Comment of Hazen B. Reed in Docket(s)/Project(s) PF12-9-000 Submission Date: 10/5/2012
10/04/2012Hazen B. Reed, Oneonta, NY. Chairman Wellinghoff, Commissioners Moeller, Norris, LaFluer, and Clark, With respect to the Constitution Pipeline, please take note of this important passage, ...a holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity may not exercise the right of eminent domain with respect to a pipeline to be constructed for the purpose of transpor ting natural gas to an LNG terminal for export to a foreign country from the United States. \200\231 --Section 2.3 H.R. 3913: Reaffirming Constitutional Property Rights Act 112th Congress, 201 1\200\2232012. Can you provide guarantee and stake your reputations to said guarantee, that no gas carried through the Constitution Pipeline would ever be used to supply natural gas to LNG export t erminals? Because by definition exports do not meet the \200\230public use\200\231 test. Eminent Domain cannot be applied to the Constitution Pipeline. Williams stated in their May 2012 presentation to its investors it is looking to overseas m arkets for LNG or liquefied natural gas. And while Williams has back-peddled some of these remarks in recent public meetings around the Southern Tier of New York, where they hope to install the Constitution Pipeline, recent news from Europe reveals why Williams is promisin g exports to their investors. ________________________________________ "UK shale gas can ease rising dependency on imports, says IoD" Britain must begin shale gas exploration to ease its growing dependency on imported gas, th e Institute of Directors (IoD) said on Friday. --By Henning Gloystein | Reuters LONDON, Sept 21 (Reuters) - ________________________________________ The article goes on to state\200\200\235Without the development of new domestic gas reso urces, Britains import costs for natural gas could rise from $8.5 billion today to more th an $11 billion by 2015 as North Sea supplies dwindle and Norway struggles to fill the gap." With Bulgaria and France having banned shale gas exploration, and other E.U. countries soon to follow, it only makes sense for Williams to export gas from their pipelines to these lu crative markets. Make no mistake, exports of natural gas are headed oversees. It is what is motivating the Brits to try their own hand at fracking. \200\234In the United States, a s hale gas boom has resulted in a sharp rise in natural gas production, leading to a collapse in domestic prices and the possibility of the U.S. exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) b y 2015.\200\235 Let\200\231s see, Williams wants to rush the Constitution Pipeline to completion by\200 what was that ...