At Rextag, we collect energy infrastructure data from hundreds of sources worldwide, using diverse methodologies to ensure accuracy.

We aggregate this data into the comprehensive Rextag Energy GIS Database, which is licensed to third-party companies for analysis, research, and mapping of energy infrastructure.

Rectangle_1393_90de1f7d-791c-452e-8673-e48c05bcfd57 Pipeline Map

Our global GIS data covers over two million miles (3.2 million km) of oil and gas pipelines, thousands of energy facilities, including refineries, LNG terminals, and gas processing plants.

We ensure data reliability through a meticulous data-normalization process. Our research team continuously verifies datasets using data analysis, querying,  graphical representation, and other methods. 

We update our data by constantly monitoring private and government agencies’ press-releases for acquisitions, investments, and other valuable information. 

Our data is provided in ESRI Shapefile (*.shp) format, projected at the WGS 83 standard, and is fully compatible with ESRI's ArcGIS as well as other GIS platforms. 


Recognizing the budgetary constraints of small- and medium-sized companies, Rextag has designed one of the most affordable licensing plans in the market.

Rextag GIS Data is not only the most cost-effective alternative to high-priced GIS energy data but also offers unmatched quality and depth of information. To ensure affordability, our GIS datasets are divided into customizable zones and categories, allowing users to purchase only the data they need.

Upstream Oil & Gas

Natural Gas  

Crude Oil 

Refined Products 

Other Liquids (NGL/LPG/HVL)  

Power & Renewables 


Comparing Rextag GIS Services to Others

 Data Quantity

  • With over 2 million miles of digitized North American pipelines, Rextag surpasses even our closest competitors by more than 300,000 miles!
  • Beyond North America, Rextag offers the Global Energy Infrastructure Dataset, a comprehensive dataset unmatched by any competitor.
  • Our datasets go beyond pipeline information—they include detailed data on energy facilities across the entire oil & gas supply chain, covering production, transportation, processing, electrical generation, and downstream consumption.

 Data Quality

  • Rextag is the only energy GIS data provider that guarantees data quality through the publication of an accuracy statement.
  • Using aerial photography, our GIS data team manually verifies and corroborates the location of pipelines and facilities to ensure exceptional accuracy. 
  • Our digitized pipeline data has a margin of error of only a few feet—a level of precision unmatched by any competitor! 

Update and Maintenance

  • With over a decade of experience in energy data services, Rextag has actively and consistently expanded its datasets, developing unparalleled industry coverage. 
  • Daily updates and additions contribute to an annual increase of approximately 100,000 miles of pipeline data—and that’s just for North America! 
  • To keep our customers informed of the latest developments in the energy industry, we release monthly data updates, making us the only GIS data provider to offer such frequent updates! 

Customer Service

  • Unlike traditional providers, we encourage our customers to reach out with questions or issues on our data. We love hearing from our users and are always eager to assist! 
  •  As part of our dataset licensing, we provide free training and consultation—and in some cases, we even offer free digitization of projects or assets not yet included in our datasets. 
  • We take pride in resolving most customer inquiries within minutes!
  • Technical Specifications: Our data is provided in ESRI Shapefile (*.shp) format with a NAD 83 projection, digitized at varying scales depending on the area and/or pipeline.

  • Disclaimer: Rextag is not responsible or liable for any use or reliance on this data. While we have made every effort to ensure data quality, omissions and errors may exist.   

    We welcome corrections and revisions to enhance accuracy for future editions. 

  • Data Security: To protect the security of our nation’s energy infrastructure, Rextag reserves the right to refuse service to companies or individuals without active involvement in the energy market. 

    A preliminary background check may be conducted before releasing any data, at Rextag’s sole discretion.