Comment of Nan Gray in Docket(s)/Project(s) PF15-3-000 Submission Date: 5/27/2015
05/26/2015Paula J Hargreaves, North Tonawanda, NY. I would like to comment and challenge some of the statements made in the Resource Report 10 \200\223 Alternatives submitted March 16, 2015 by TetraTech on behalf of their client Nat ional Fuel. This report references FERC Docket No. PF14-18-000 but is now related to FERC Docket No. CP15-115. Page 7 & 8 concern Renewable Energy Sources and contains the statemen t that \200\234Significant investment in infrastructure would be required to transport ele ctricity from renewable sources to consumers.\200\235 I would like FERC to review submiss ions made to them recently by National Grid as part of their commitment to improving the el ectric network across upstate New York. A May 21st, 2015 news article detailed work to be done in Niagara County to \200\234transform, or step-down, electricity delivered through high-voltage transmission lines into lower voltage feeder lines that make their way both ov erhead and underground through neighborhoods\200\235. The article went on to report \200 \234over the past five years, National Grid has committed more than $1.6 billion in growing and improving its electric network across upstate New York, with an additional $1.6 billio n anticipated to be invested over the next three years.\200\235 FERC must have given approval to National Grid to improve their network to bring the advant ages of one of the largest sources of Renewable Energy in our area \200\223 The Niagara Po wer Project to the Public. How can FERC disregard the National Grid projects and allow th e National Fuel project whose obviously biased report states \200\234the time required to site, design, permit and construct the necessary renewable energy and electric transmission infrastructure would likely not meet the Project\200\231s scheduled in service date of No vember 1, 2016.\200\235 I request that FERC review the environmental impacts of the pro posed National Fuel project and compare it to the environmental impacts of the already appr oved National Grid project and a more independent and comprehensive Environmental Impact St atement before issuing a Certificate to National Fuel.