Buckeye Pipe Line Co submits FERC Oil Tariff 312 et al in compliance with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Act & FERC's Rules & Regulations to become effective 9/21/04 under IS04-561.
09/20/2004Jnofflclal FERC-Generated P D F o f 20040922-0215 Issued by FERC OSEC 09/21/2004 in D o c k e t # : CP04-374-000 M ~ o to: Secretary Memo from: Joanne Wachholder ORIGINAL Date: September 17, 2004 Z Subject: Data request quotations for the Pearl Crossing Pipeline Project, Docket No. CP04-374-000. The questions were sent to Pearl Crossing by the U.S. Coast Guard on August 20, 2004 and need to be placed in the public record. Responses to the data rvquest questions have not yet been filed by the applicant. Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20040922-0215 Issued by FERC OSEC 09/21/2004 in D o c k e t # : CP04-374-000 ORIGINAL A u g u s t 20. 2004 Pearl C r o s s i n g Project ;X3 "~ Technical Data Request r,~ ~ ..Tt-- "~ I " rm ~ -:~ Onshore PIpeline ~ --o :3 All questions pertain to the FERC Application Resource Reports. ~ ro .,-,1 -<P- ,:~ 1. Provide copies of all agency correspondence received concerning the Peed Crossing Pipeline Project. ~ <:~ J : 2. Provide environmental resource information for all aboveground facilities, including valve site locations. Environmental resource information should include a description of wetland impacts (temporary and permanent), a description of site vegetation, and any potential impacts to wildlife species. 3. Provide same level of information for an alternative pipeline route. G e o l o g y and Soil R e s o u r c e s . Section 6.1 briefly describes surflclal geologic features in the project area. Provide a thorough description of the geologic setting of the pipeline route, including general tectonic and depositional history, depth to bedrock, the presence of salt structures and growth faults, etc. In addition, Seo~on 6.1 indicates that elevations along the pipeline route are as low as 26 feet below sea level. Please provide the location and extent of the pipeline route that is 26 feet below sea level. . In addition to oil and gas, other mineral resources such as sail sand and gravel are routinely mined in southwestam Louisiana. Provide citations for the conclusion in Section 6.3 that "Other than oil and gas production, no mining activities occur within or in close proximity to the pipeline project area." In addition, demonstrate the pipeline impact on future mineral resource recovery. . Table 6.3-1 Indicates that a number of active and/or plugged and abandoned oil and gas wells are located in or near the proposed construction right-of-way. Describe any special construction measures Pearl Crossing would implement to protect these ...