Adelphia Gateway, LLC - Informational Postings (Unofficial)

Owner: New Jersey Resources Corporation
Operator: Adelphia Gateway, LLC
Miles of Pipeline: 91
System Capacity: 0.85 Bcf/d
Seasonal Storage: 0
Compressor Stations: 0

Adelphia Gateway LLC Pipeline Map

  • Pipeline Description: Adelphia Gateway, LLC, part of New Jersey Resources Corporation, operates a 91-mile natural gas pipeline in Southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware. The pipeline, which traverses Northampton, Bucks, and Delaware Counties in Pennsylvania, and New Castle County in Delaware, is currently under 50% utilized and primarily serves utility customers in the power and utilities sector. Key clients include MC Project Company and LMBE Project Company.

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Our informational Postings section covers all active interstate regulated (FERC) gas pipelines and storage facilities. Select a Pipeline or Storage Facility from the list below to view details such as a pipeline map showing meter points
 (interconnection points), daily gas flows for major points with historical volumes and a short description of the pipeline
system, its utilization, and customers