Energy GIS Data
for the Energy Industry

For many years, offering the most accurate and most complete energy GIS Data for the United States has made Rextag the best known GIS Data provider for the Energy Industry. And after years of research and development we have expanded our products. We now offer the Global GIS Data Coverage, a seamless expansion to our North American dataset. Our Global GIS Data is assisting organizations reach their goals by providing accurate and comprehensive industry related information: from the well permits, production and completion data to pipeline and facility transportation, processing and everything in between.
At Rextag, we collect information on energy infrastructure from hundreds of sources with hundreds of methodologies from all over the world. We then aggregate all that information into the most comprehensive energy GIS Database - The Rextag Energy GIS Data, which we license to third party companies for their own analysis, research and mapping of energy infrastructure.

Our licensing approach allows our users to target their specific needs; they can obtain the entire global data set or focus on specific regions and/or commodities. Furthermore, we provide a geographic breakdown of our North American dataset, dividing it into 5 zones, each of which can be licensed separately, creating a licensing system that is more cost sensible.
Our Global GIS Data covers more than two million miles (3.2 Million Km) of oil and gas pipelines, and thousands of energy facilities, such as refineries, LNG terminal, gas processing plants, terminal, and much more.

Our GIS Data’s dependability is achieved through a careful data-normalization process, always keeping our customers’ satisfaction in mind. We take several fundamental verification measures to develop data reliability, which include data analysis, querying, graphical representation, and more. Plus, our research team is constantly mining industry private and government agencies for acquisition, purchases, investment and other general press releases to constantly update our Digital GIS Energy Datasets. The data is provided in the most common format: ESRI Shapefile (*.shp) projected at the WGS 83 standard, which can be easily imported into any other GIS system besides ESRI's ArcGIS.

Keeping in mind budgetary constraints small and medium size companies face, Rextag designed the most affordable licensing plan in the market.
Thus, Rextag Data is not only the most affordable alternative to high-priced GIS energy data in the market; not only the most generous licensed product; but it also offers invaluable quality and quantity of information. In addition to the geographic breakdown into zones, and to ensure affordability to our users, our GIS Datasets are broken down as follows:
- Oil & Gas Transportation & Processing (OGTP) Data Set:
- Natural Gas & Misc.
- Natural Gas Pipelines and Facilities
- Misc. Gasses Pipelines (CO2, Ammonia, Hydrogen, Etc..)(U.S. ONLY)
- Crude Oil and Liquids
- Crude Oil Pipelines and Facilities
- Refined Products Pipelines and Facilities
- Other Liquids (NGL/LPG/HVL) Pipelines and Facilities
- Rail Transport (Crude, Refined, Etc) (Available in North America ONLY)
- Other Energy Datasets

Comparing Rextag GIS Services to Others
Data Quantity
- With more than 2 million miles of digitized North American pipelines in our datasets, Rextag surpasses even our closest competitor’s data by more than 300,000 miles!
- In addition to datasets on North American assets, Rextag offers the Global Energy Infrastructure Dataset, a dataset with no parallel offered by any of our competitors .
- Rextag’s datasets contain more than just pipeline information; they also include data on energy facilities for the entire oil & gas supply chain: from production, transportation and processing to electrical generation and downstream consumption.
Data Quality
- Rextag is the only energy GIS data provider that guarantees the quality of our data through the publication of an accuracy statement.
- Using aerial photography, Rextag’s GIS data team verifies the quality of data by manually identifying and corroborating the location of pipelines and facilities.
- The overall error of margin of our digitized pipeline data is only a few feet, not even our closest competitor can match that!
Update and Maintenance
- With more than a decade in the business of energy data products, at Rextag we have actively and consistently grown our databases over the years; which has allowed us to develop unparalleled datasets in the market.
- Daily additions and edits result in an annual increase of approximately 100,000 miles of pipeline data to our datasets; and that is only for North America!
- To keep our customers up to date on the latest developments in the energy industry, we release data-updates on a monthly basis - making us the only data provider to distribute updates this frequently!
Customer Service
- Though it may sound unconventional, we encourage our customers to reach out with questions or issues on our data. We love hearing from our customers and we are always eager to help!
- As part of our dataset licensing, we provide with free training and consultation; and in some cases, free digitizing of projects or assets not included yet in our datasets.
- We pride ourselves in resolving most inquiries within minutes!
Technical Specifications: Our data is provided in ESRI Shapefile (*.shp) in a NAD 83 projection, digitized at different scales depending on area and/or pipeline.
Disclaimer: Rextag is not responsible or liable for any use or reliance on this data. Rextag has made a great effort to ensure the quality of the data represented here, however omissions and errors may exist. We welcome corrections and revisions to improve the accuracy for future editions.
Data Security: In an effort to ensure the security of our nation’s energy infrastructure, Rextag reserves the right to refuse service to companies or individuals with no active involvement in the energy market. A preliminary background check will be performed prior to any release of data at the sole discretion of Rextag.