Distrigas of Massachusetts LLC submits FERC Form 2 Annual Report of Major Natural Companies for the year ended 12/31/01 under CP88-587.

Jnofflclal FERC-Generated P D F of 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 - 0 1 8 6 Received by F E R C OSEC 09/30/2002 in D o c k e t # : IS02-464-000 ",," ORIGINAL BRUDER, GENTILE & MARCOUX, L.L.P. A v A'r'/~RN EYS AT LAW I I00 N E W Y O R K A V E N U E . N W . ANTONIA A. FROST CARMEN L GENTILE DAVID MARTIN CONNELLY |. ~ ~COUX SUITE ~I0 EAST IW W ~ O W DAVID K G O ~ O ~ W A S H I N G T O N . D.C. 2000%3934 WtUJAM D. BOOTH * ~ L ILAC~ 202-783- 13~0 G~ F. BItUDER wznm~D i~e/, FACSIMILE 202-737-9117 OF www.brudergentlle.oom E-M~L: j mmarceox~bmderleaffie.com =l:rn September 30, 2002 N co Magalie Roman Salas Attn.: OIL PIPELINE TARIFFS Secretary waiver requested under Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Interstate Commerce Act 6(3) 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C 20426 Regarding: Suburban Propsne, LP., Docket No. IS02-_~_-000, part 346 cost-of-service rate filing transmittal letter. 18 C.F.R. 341.2 (c) Dear Secretary Salas: The accompanying FERC Tariff No. 3, filed by Suburban Propane, L.P. ('Suburban') with an effective date of October 1, 2002, on less than one day's notice is sent to you for filing in compliance with the provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act ('ICA') and the rules and regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Rate Increase explanation. Suburban's 62 mile, 6 inch diameter, propane pipeline is located within South Carolina, and connects the Dixie Pipeline Company interstate products pipeline ('Dixie") at Bethune, S.C., with Suburban's unregulated propane storage facility at Tirzah, S.C. Also, Dixie operates the 62 mile pipeline for Suburban. Suburban acquired the pipeline, formerly called C & T Pipeline, LLC, from SCANA Corporation in late 1999. Suburben's actual, experienced pipeline costs substantially diverge from the rate resulting from application of the Commission's 342.3 index, which is 15.67 cants per barrel, such that the rate at the index ceiling level would preclude Suburban from being able to charge a rate just and reasonable under the ICA. 342.4 (a). Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021002-0186 Received by FERC OSEC 09/30/2002 in D o c k e t # : IS02-464-000 September 30, 2002 Page 3 to refund, for this rate filing and these tariffs to he effecSve on October 1, 2002. The revenues generated by Suburban's existing rate ($345,094) are less than the actual costs that Suburban incurs from Dixie to operate and maintain the pipeline for the 12 months ended September 2002 ($356,403). Exhibit No. ARL-2, Statement B, line 4 ($270,096) + line 11 ($86,307). ...

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