20120730-0027 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 07/30/2012 ':. LF Federal Energy Regulatory Commision 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 July 12, 2012 Dear Chairman Wellinghoff; I am writing because I that energy companies have targeted understand southern Oregon with a proposal to build a 235-mile natural gas pipeline and coastal terminal to EXPORT domestic naturai gas to Asian markets. I strongly object to this for the following reasons: 1) Exporting domestic natural gas would drive up the cost of natural gas for all natural gas ratepayers, including families, small businesses, and a diversity of industries and the consumers that buy their products. 2) Exporting domestic natural gas would also increase the demand for dangerous methods of natural gas extraction, which are already contaminating aquifers and wasting hundreds of millions of gallons of water each day. 3) If the proposed Pacific Connector pipeline and Jordan Cove LNG (liquefied natural gas) terminal were built, exporting domestic natural gas would threaten salmon, water quality, private landowners and public land in southwest Oregon. I hope that you will give this issue the serious consideration it deserves, and not grant approval for an LNG pipeline. Thank you. Sincerely, 'C, ~, ) 1000 Frank Hill Rd Ashland, OR 97520 20120730-0027 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 07/30/2012 Document Content(s) 13036767.tif..........................................................1-1
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