Questar Overthrust Pipeline Company submits tariff filing per 154.204: Non-Conforming TSA # 5164, Marathon Oil to be effective 5/1/2014 under RP14-799 Filing Type : 570

FERC rendition of the electronically filed tariff records in Docket No. RP14-00799-000 Filing Data: CID: C001087 Filing Title: Non-Conforming TSA # 5164, Marathon Oil Company Filing Identifier: 129 Type of Filing Code: 570 Associated Filing Identifier: Tariff Title: Tariffs Tariff ID: 4 Payment Confirmation: Suspension Motion: Y Tariff Record Data: Record Content Description, Tariff Record Title, Record Version Number, Option Code: Non-Conforming TSA, Non-Conforming Transportation Service Agreements, 4.0.0, A Record Narative Name: Tariff Record ID: 800 Tariff Record Collation Value: 352485376 Tariff Record Parent Identifier: 792 Proposed Date: 2014-05-01 Priority Order: 1000000000 Record Change Type: CHANGE Record Content Type: 1 Associated Filing Identifier: Non-Conforming Transportation Service Agreements Pursuant to 154.112(b) Rate AgreementEffective Name of Shipper/Contract No. Schedule Date Date Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. #3808 FT 3-30-07 1- 1-08 Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. #3962 FT 2-22-08 4- 1-08 Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. #4228 3/ FT 7-1-09 7- 1-09 Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. #4229 FT 7-1-09 7- 1-09 Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. #4699 FT 4-27-12 5- 1-12 Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. #4701 FT 4-27-12 5- 1-12 Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. #4702 FT 4-27-12 5- 1-12 Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. #4703 FT 4-27-12 5- 1-12 WPX Energy Marketing, LLC #4850 1/ FT 11/29/12 12/1/12 Occidental Energy Marketing Inc. #4864 2/ FT 11/30/12 12/1/12 Marathon Oil Company #5164 4/ FT 5/1/14 1/31/20 NON-CONFORMING SERVICE AGREEMENTS FILED AFTER AUGUST 18, 2010, ARE CONTAINED IN ORIGINAL VOLUME NO. 2 Footnotes: 1/ TSA created from a permanent release of TSA #3719. 2/ TSA created from a permanent release of TSA #4227. 3/ TSA was amended on 4/27/2012 to allocate a portion of the RDC to TSAs #4701, 4702 and 4703 effective 5/1/2012. 4/ TSA was created from a permanent release of TSA #4700. Record Content Description, Tariff Record Title, Record Version Number, Option Code: Statement of Neg Rates, Statement of Negotiated Rates, 5.0.0, A Record Narative Name: Tariff Record ID: 801 Tariff Record Collation Value: 352567296 Tariff Record Parent Identifier: 792 Proposed Date: 2014-05-01 Priority Order: 1000000000 Record Change Type: CHANGE Record Content Type: 1 Associated Filing Identifier: STATEMENT OF NEGOTIATED RATES (Rates per Dth/d) Shipper/Rate Schedule Reservation Usage Primary Rec. Primary Identification Negotiated-Rate Term Quantity Charge(s) Charge(s) Point(s) 1/ Del. Point(s) 1/ Encana Marketing (USA) Inc. 3/ 300,000 3.44091 4/ MAP 10026 MAP 10027 #4167 (FT) 2/ Wyoming Interstate Gas, L.L.C. 3/ 75,600 6/ 4/ MAP 10031 MAP 10030 #4228 (FT) 5/ 10/ Wyoming Interstate Gas, L.L.C. 3-31-2011 to 1-31-2023 150,000 6/ 4/ MAP 10013 MAP 10010 #4229 (FT) 5/ 10015 and 10022 Wyoming Interstate Gas, L.L.C. 3/ 50,000 6/ 4/ MAP 10013 MAP 10030 #4701 (FT) 5/ 9/ Wyoming Interstate Gas, L.L.C. 3/ 7/ 6/ 4/ MAP 10827 MAP 10030 #4702 (FT) 5/ 9/ Wyomin

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