Notice of CMS Trunkline Gas Co, LLC 's 6/30/03 filing of Sub Third Revised Sheet 255 et al to FERC Gas Tariff, Second Revised Volume 1 effective 7/1/03 under RP03-450.

200304155010 Received FERC OSEC 04/15/2003 02:00:00 PM Docket# RP03-41-003 Carl M. Fink 1400 SW Fifth Avenue Assistant General Suite 900 Counsel Portland, OR 97201 503.833.4256 Fax: 503.402.4004 carl.fink April 15, 2003 Ms. Magalie R. Salas Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Dockets Room, Room 1A 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 Re: PG&E Gas Transmission, Northwest Corporation Courtesy Filing Docket No. RP03-41- . Dear Ms. Salas: On April 14, 2003, PG&E Gas Transmission, Northwest Corporation (GTN) filed a Request for Rehearing and Alternative Request for Clarification in the above docket. This filing incorporated by reference a number of filings previously made by GTN and its subsidiaries in other dockets. For the Commission's convenience, we are submitting a full copy of the Request for Rehearing and Alternative Request for Clarification filed on April 14th, complete with copies of all filings incorporated by reference. Respectfully submitted, /s Carl M. Fink PG&E National Energy Group and any other company referenced herein which uses the PG&E name or logo are not the same company as Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the California utility. These companies are not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission, and customers do not have to buy products from these companies in order to continue to receive quality regulated services from the utility. 200304155010 Received FERC OSEC 04/15/2003 02:00:00 PM Docket# RP03-41-003 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION e prime, inc. ) Complainant ) ) v. ) Docket No. RP03-41-___ ) PG&E Gas Transmission, ) Northwest Corporation ) Respondent ) REQUEST FOR REHEARING AND ALTERNATIVE REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION OF PG&E GAS TRANSMISSION, NORTHWEST CORPORATION Pursuant to Rule 713 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissions (FERC or the Commission) Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 C.F.R. 385.713, PG&E Gas Transmission, Northwest Corporation ("GTN") hereby respectfully requests rehearing, and, alternatively, clarification of the Commissions March 14, 2003 Order Accepting Compliance Filing and Granting Complaint1 (the Complaint Order) in the above-captioned docket. I. BACKGROUND This proceeding stems from a complaint by e prime inc. (e prime) alleging that GTN (1) improperly found that e prime was not creditworthy; and (2) having found e prime not to be creditworthy, should not have required e prime to provide up to a year of collateral in order to continue receiving service. By Order of January 24, 2003, the Commission agreed with GTN that e prime was not creditworthy pursuant to GTNs Tariff, but required GTN to file certain loan agreements ...

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