Louisiana State Senator Robert Adley submits comments re the Sabal Trail Pipeline Project under CP15-17.
20151130-0080 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 11/24/2015 7 Lo ,o" '"rr,yr' W ROBERT ADLEY COMM(TTS'ES * Transportation, Highways. A STATE SENATOE ro DJSTEJCT 38 c'&lofv Public Worhs, Chairman Veterans Agsirs, Chainaan 811 Jessie Jones Drive Revenue dr gtscat Alfairs Benton, LA 71008 (318) 085-1755 (800) 878-8005 SE NATE Vocational A 1bchnical Education Judiciary C Fntct (318) 985-1757 STATE OF LOUISIANA legis(alive Audit Advisory Counca Energy Cmurcil ndtoyr(Begin Jn.gov Southern States Eneqg Board, Executive Committee November 17, 2015 Hy m m r rn Ms. Kimberly Bose -tm rrto Federal Energy Regulatory Commission QDJ Dy xo 888 First Street, N.E. A Washington, D.C. 20426 Cy rvl DX ~(vi urn ~CD RE: Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC CP15-17 Cyy Cyy ~ CD Dear Ms. Bose: As a State Senator from Louisiana, whose district includes the Haynesville Shale; and further, as a longtime member of the Southern States Energy Board (SSEB), including a stint as an Executive Board member, please allow me to provide some comments on the oil and gas industry and the associated supporting energy infrastructure development. No one can deny that a renaissance occurred in the oil and gas drilling industry during the last 10 years as the United States faced a crisis of dwindling natural gas supply versus a growing demand. George Mitchell introduced a technology that unlocked unconventional supply and our country, faced with a domestic supply shortage, experienced a dramatic shift of under supply to having over 100 years of supply abundance. Supply regions shifted and new markets became available. To meet this supply push, numerous pipeline projects have been initiated, and today many of these are in different stages of development. In Louisiana, my record of supporting the oil and gas industry, of which I am very proud, has been profound and unwavering. Ialso brought this consistent philosophy to the SSEB and over the years this body has promoted solid policy initiatives that serve its 16 member states in admirable fashion. I would like to highlight one initiative that was recently adopted "Resolution Urging the Development of Critical Natural Gas Transmission infrastructure" and is attached for your perusal. SSEB approved this and I applaud the authors for their hard work on this important end product. Access to domestically produced natural gas should be afforded to all regions of the U.S.; however the infrastructure is lacking to move the product to market. When used as fuel, natural gas produces nearly 5096 less greenhouse gas emissions than that of ...
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