Request for Temporary Waiver of ICA Tariff Filing and Reporting Requirements of Pelican Gathering Systems, LLC under OR13-4.
1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1280 Denver, CO 80203 Phone: (303) 893-2005 Fax: (720) 484-3730 October 19, 2012 By ELECTRONIC FILING The Honorable Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20426 Re~ Pelican Gathering Systems, LLC Docket No. _ _ _ __ _ __ Dear Secretary Bose, Please find attached to this letter the Request of Pelican Gathering Systems, LLC for Temporary Waiver of Tariff Filing and Reporting Requirements with respect to Pelican's crude oil pipeline gathering facilities in Mountrail County, North Dakota. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have concerning this matter. Sincerely, Anne D. Weber Counsel for Pelican Gathering Systems, LLC UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PELICAN GATHERING SYSTEMS, LLC ) DOCKET NO. _ _ _ __ REQUEST OF PELICAN GATHERING SYSTEMS, LLC FOR TEMPORARY WAIVER OF FILING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Pursuant to Rule 202 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("Commission") Rules of Practice and Procedure, I Pelican Gathering Systems, LLC ("Pelican") respectfully requests that the Commission grant a temporary waiver of the Section 6 tariff filing and the Section 20 reporting requirements of the Interstate Commerce Act ("ICA,,)2 and Parts 341 3 and 3574 of the Commission's regulations promulgated pursuant to the ICA ("Waiver") covering Pelican's crude oil gathering pipeline facilities located in Mountrail County, North Dakota ("Request for Waiver"). Approval of this Request for Waiver would be consistent with the Commission's prior rulings. In support of its Request for Waiver, Pelican submits the following information to demonstrate the criteria necessary to qualify for a Waiver: I. COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE All correspondence and communications with respect to Pelican's Request for Waiver should be directed to the following persons: Stuart Kowalski Ron Copple Slawson Companies, Inc. Pelican Gathering Systems, LLC 727 N. Waco Street, Suite 400 1675 Broadway, Suite 1600 Wichita, KS 67203 Denver, CO 80202 (316) 268-0761 (720) 897-8757 (316) 268-0731 (fax) 1 18 C.F.R. 385.202 (2012). 2 Interstate Commerce Act, 49 U.S.c. app. 6, 20 (1988). 3 18 c.F.R. Part 341 (2012). 4 18 c.F.R. Part 357 (2012). Anne Weber Weber Law Finn, LLC 1580 Lincoln St., Suite 1280 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 893-2005 (720) 484-3730 (fax) II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTING PARTY, ITS FACILITIES AND PROPOSED TRANSACTION Pelican, a Kansas limited liability company that is authorized to conduct business in the state of North Dakota, is the Requesting Party. Pelican is a subsidiary of the Slawson Companies and an affiliate of Slawson Exploration Company, Inc., a privately held oil and gas company for more than fifty years that is a demonstrated leader in ...
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