May 29, 2015 By U.S. Post, eComment, and eFiling. Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street NE, Room 1A Washington, DC 20426 RE: Comments on Environmental Impact Statement for Trunkline Gas Company, LLC, Trunkline LNG Export, LLC, Trunkline LNG Company, LLC, and Trunkline LNG Company, LLC, Docket Nos. CP14-119, CP14-120, CP14-122, Issued April 10, 2015. Sierra Club submits these comments concerning the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (the draft EIS or DEIS) prepared by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the Trunkline Gas Company, LLC, Trunkline LNG Export, LLC, Trunkline LNG Company, LLC, and Trunkline LNG Company LLC (collectively, Lake Charles) proposed Liquefaction and Pipeline Project (the Project). The Commenters reserve the right to rely on all public comments submitted, request a written response to comments, and request written notification when any action is taken on this draft EIS (such as a final EIS, supplemental EIS, programmatic EIS, etc.). These comments supplement and incorporate by reference the Sierra Clubs Motion to Intervene, Protest, and Comment, dated April 24, 2014. I. Introduction Sierra Club described the background of this project, and the Commissions National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) obligations regarding environmental review, in our April 24, 2014 protest. We incorporate that discussion herein by reference. FERCs draft EIS fails to take the hard look that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires. Examples of the draft EISs deficiencies include: inadequately describing the effect of air pollution emitted by the project; failing to discuss many indirect effects of the project, including effects of induced gas production, increased coal consumption in response to higher gas prices, and the effects of end users consumption of liquid natural gas (LNG). FERC must revise its draft EIS to provide accurate, consistent, and complete data and analyses, so that FERC and other agencies relying on this information can take a hard look at the potential impacts of the proposed Project. II. Background Lake Charles proposes to construct its Lake Charles Liquefaction Project for the purpose of liquefying and exporting approximately 15 million metric tons per annum (mtpa) or two billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of domestic natural gas to foreign countries. The Liquefaction Project includes: three liquefaction trains with a capacity of 5.48 mtpa each; a power generation plant, including gas turbine generators, transformers and related electrical infrastructure; storage and administrative buildings and fuel gas, firewater and safety systems; and a LNG line and vapor tie-ins and minor ...
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