CD containing comments of individuals re the Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline Project under PF14-22.

Case 3:15-cv-30131-MAP Document 1-19 Filed 07/28/15 Page 1 of 22 MF-EXHIBIT-19 Case 3:15-cv-30131-MAP Document 1-19 Filed 07/28/15 Page 2 of 22 MF-EXHIBIT-19 Lovelace et al., v United States IECA Testimony Congressional Hearings January 29, 2015 Case 3:15-cv-30131-MAP Document 1-19 Filed 07/28/15 Page 3 of 22 Paul N. Cicio, President Industrial Energy Consumers of America Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Hearing on S. 33, LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act January 29, 2015 Testimony of Paul N. Cicio President Industrial Energy Consumers of America Case 3:15-cv-30131-MAP Document 1-19 Filed 07/28/15 Page 4 of 22 TESTIMONY OUTLINE A. Introduction B. Linkages of Energy Costs To Manufacturing Jobs C. The Natural Gas Act (NGA) Is Designed To Balance LNG Exports and Consumer Protections if Policymakers Will Require DOE to Fully Implement Its Responsibilities. Unfortunately, DOEs Implementation Puts the Economy, Jobs, Consumers And Wage Disparity At Increasing Risk Long-term D. Natural Gas and Electricity Prices are Already Forecasted to Rise Significantly Even Before All of the Nine Approved or Conditionally Approved LNG Export Terminals are Operating E. IECA Opposes S.33, The LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act 1. S.33 short circuits the public interest determination and consumer protections. 2. The DOE has already either approved or conditionally approved a significant increase in LNG exports that by themselves, could pose a long-term economic threat to jobs and wages. 3. LNG exports are not a permanent job creator. F. DOE Must Comply with the Natural Gas Act 1. Definition of Public Interest 2. Policy Guidance Designed for Exports 3. Analytical Methods Free of Bias 4. Process of Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment Page 2 Case 3:15-cv-30131-MAP Document 1-19 Filed 07/28/15 Page 5 of 22 Chairman Murkowski, Ranking Member Cantwell, and Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify before you on S. 33, the LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act. My name is Paul Cicio and I am the President of the Industrial Energy Consumers of America (IECA). IECA represents energy-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) industries on energy and environmental issues. IECA companies are some of the largest consumers of natural gas and electricity in the U.S. A. INTRODUCTION IECA member company revenues exceed $1.0 trillion in annual sales, they operate over 2,900 facilities nationwide, and have more than 1.4 million employees worldwide. IECA membership represents a diverse set of industries including: chemical, plastics, steel, iron ore, aluminum, paper, food processing, fertilizer, insulation, glass, industrial gases, pharmaceutical, building products, brewing, independent oil refining, and cement. IECA has supported legislation by several of members of this Committee to increase production and ...

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