Supplemental Information of Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company under CP11-168.
Permits, Plans, and Authorizations with Associated Correspondence Item Correspondence Description or Agency Name of Plan/Permit/Authorization No. Status Summary1 A. Federal A.1 Federal Energy Regulatory Authorizations under Section 3(a) of the A.1a Magnolia was granted approval to utilize FERCs National Commission Natural Gas Act Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Pre-Filing review process (FERC) Resource Reports (RRs) filed in November 2013. Filing of formal application anticipated in 2014. A.2 U.S. Army Corps of NEPA Pre-Filing consultation A.2a Initiated December 19, 2012. Engineers (USACE) Clean Water Act (CWA) (Section 404) A.2b Results of soil and sediment chemical sampling program per New Orleans District Rivers and Harbors Act (Section 10) USACE approved plan submitted to USACE New Orleans, Permit (Dredge and Fill Permit) Operations Division on October 29, 2013. This Dredge Area Sampling Summary Report for the Magnolia LNG Berth Area also was provided as Appendix 2.A in RR2 in the November 2013 RR submittal. A.2c Response received November 7, 2013. A.2d The USACE, New Orleans District Regulatory Branch, received the permit application on behalf of Magnolia LNG, for a facility on Henry Pugh Blvd, on May 8, 2014. USACE file number is MVN-2014-01380-WII. A.2e Email correction to application MVN-2014-01380-WII was sent October 29, 2014, regarding acres of existing water bottoms to be dredged; requested USACE direction on how to officially correct the application. A.2f Permit status update meeting on February 10, 2015, with USACE and LDNR. A.2g Multi-agency meeting (USACE, LDNR OCM, LDWF, Louisiana SLO, NOAA, and USEPA) on February 26, 2015, on site options for the beneficial use of dredge materials (BUDM). A.2h Meeting with USACE on March 20, 2015, regarding Magnolias and KMLPs Section 404/10 permit applications. A.2i Meeting on April 28, 2015, with USACE and LNDR to discuss permit status and beneficial reuse of dredged materials. 1 Highlighted items indicate additions since last submittal of this table to FERC and cover the period from May 1 through July 31, 2015. 1 of 11 Permits, Plans, and Authorizations with Associated Correspondence Item Correspondence Description or Agency Name of Plan/Permit/Authorization No. Status Summary1 A.2 USACE New Orleans Wetland Mitigation Plan NA In response to FERC comments on the November 2013 District (continued) RR submittal, the wetland mitigation plan referenced in Section 2.3.2 of RR 2 will be provided in the final formal application to be filed in 2014. Wetlands Determination A.2j Request for preliminary jurisdiction determination sent on January 30, 2014. A.2k Meeting Minutes, January 31, 2014. A.2l Jurisdictional Determination issued by the USACE on May 14, 2014. A.2m Request ...
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