Environmental Assessment APPALACHIAN GATEWAY PROJECT Dominion Transmission, Inc. CP10-448-000 PF09-15-000 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Office of Energy Projects Washington, DC 20426 March 2011 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20426 OFFICE OF ENERGY PROJECTS In Reply Refer To: OEP/DG2E/Gas 3 Dominion Transmission Inc. Appalachian Gateway Project Docket No. CP10-448-000 TO THE PARTY ADDRESSED: The staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) has prepared an environmental assessment (EA) for the Appalachian Gateway Project proposed by Dominion Transmission Inc. (Dominion) in the above-referenced docket. Dominion requests authorization to construct, own, and operate about 109.1 miles of 20- inch, 24-inch, and 30-inch-diameter pipeline, four new compressor stations, and associated ancillary facilities, as well as modify two existing compressor stations in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. The EA assesses the potential environmental effects of the construction and operation of the Appalachian Gateway Project in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). The FERC staff concludes that approval of the proposed project, with appropriate mitigating measures, would not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. The proposed Appalachian Gateway Project includes the following facilities: the 5.3 miles, 20-inch-diameter TL-570, EXT. 1 pipeline in Kanawha County, West Virginia; the 6 mile, 24-inch-diameter TL-492, EXT. 5 pipeline in Greene County, Pennsylvania; the 42.3 mile 30-inch-diameter TL-590 pipeline in Marshall and Greene Counties, Pennsylvania; the 54.2 mile, 24-inch-diameter TL-591 pipeline in Greene, Washington, Allegheny, and Westmoreland Counties, Pennsylvania; the 0.5 mile, 16 inch-diameter TL-596 pipeline in Wetzel County, West Virginia; the 0.1 mile, 10-inch-diameter TL-597 pipeline in Wetzel County, West Virginia; Docket No. CP10-448-000 -2- the 0.3 mile, 16-inch-diameter TL-598 pipeline in Harrison County, West Virginia; the 0.4 mile, 16-inch-diamter TL-599 pipeline in Harrison County, West Virginia; the new 4,735 horsepower (hp) Chelyan Compressor Stationin County, West Virginia; the new 3,550 hp Lewis Wetzel Compressor Station in Wetzel County, West Virginia; the new 1,775 hp Morrison Compressor Station in Harrison County, West Virginia; the new 6,130 hp Burch Ridge Compressor Station in Mashall County, West Virginia; modify the existing Pepper Compressor Station with the addition of 1,665 hp of new compression; modify the existing reciprocating engine at the Schutte Compressor Station in Doddridge County, West Virginia by replacing the cylinder liners; the TL-591 Metering and Regulation (M&R) Station, in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania; the Crayne M&R Station in Green County, Pennsylvania; and pig launchers, receivers and mainline valves along the pipelines. The ...
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