Response to Environmental Information Request of Sawgrass Storage LLC under CP11-523.

ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION RESPONSE Sawgrass Storage, L.L.C. Docket No. CP11-523-000 FERC Comments of August 25, 2011 Resource Report 1 1. Sawgrass proposes 5 well pads with up to 16 horizontally drilled wells. Describe how many wells would be located on each well pad. Response: Sawgrass proposes to develop 5 well pads with up to16 wells distributed as follows: Well Pad 1 3 wells Well Pad 2 2 wells Well Pad 3 3 wells Well Pad 4 4 wells Well Pad 5 4 wells Figure RR10-3 in Attachment 1 shows the individual well pads and the bottom-hole locations. Resource Report 1 1|Page ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION RESPONSE Sawgrass Storage, L.L.C. Docket No. CP11-523-000 FERC Comments of August 25, 2011 2. Section states some formation water and condensate would be in the gas withdrawal stream. Describe how Sawgrass would dispose of this water. Response: During operations, Sawgrass expects that only a minor amount of water and condensate will be produced. The produced water and condensate will be stored on-site at the gas handling facility until sufficient quantities have been collected that require disposal. At that time, water and condensate will be separated, the condensate will be sold commercially, and the produced water will be disposed of in accordance with applicable local and state regulations. Resource Report 1 2|Page ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION RESPONSE Sawgrass Storage, L.L.C. Docket No. CP11-523-000 FERC Comments of August 25, 2011 3. Section 1.5 shows that 481.62 acres would be disturbed for construction (78.13 acres for yards, 236.09 acres for pipelines, and 167.4 acres for aboveground facilities); however, section 8.2.8 states the project would impact 447.87 acres of land. Clarify this apparent discrepancy. Response: The information presented in Section 1.5 calculates lands for only pipelines and aboveground facilities, totaling 403.49 acres. Information presented in Section 8.2.8 includes an additional 44.38 acres for access roads, for a total project land requirement of 447.87 acres. Resource Report 1 3|Page ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION RESPONSE Sawgrass Storage, L.L.C. Docket No. CP11-523-000 FERC Comments of August 25, 2011 4. Sawgrass states in several locations that it would provide information in subsequent filings to the Commission, including additional information in regard to access roads, staging areas, waterbody crossings, additional temporary workspace requirements, and residences. Verify that Sawgrass has provided this information in the resource reports filed with its application on July 27, 2011, and this wording remained from the draft resource reports. Response: The statements regarding submittal of project information in subsequent filings to the Commission is an artifact from previous Pre-Filing Draft Resource Reports. Sawgrass notes the following locations where this statement was made and references ...

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