Draft Resource Report 5 of Jordan Cove Energy Project, L.P. under PF12-7.
JCEP LNG TERMINAL PROJECT Resource Report 5 Socioeconomics See the Following To Verify Compliance with this Minimum FERC Filing Requirement: Resource Report Section: Section 5.1 Section 5.2 Describe socioeconomic conditions within the project area. ( 380.12(g)(1)) Section 5.3 Section 5.4 Section 5.5 Table 5.1-1 Section 5.8.1 Section 5.8.2 Section 5.8.6 Section 5.8.8 Quantify impact on employment, housing, local government services, local tax revenues, transportation, Section 5.8.9 and other relevant factors within the project area. ( 380.12(g)(2-6)) Section 5.8.10 Appendix B.5 Appendix C.5 Appendix D.5 Appendix E.5 Appendix F.5 Section 5.8.1 Evaluate impact of any substantial immigration of people on governmental facilities and services and Section 5.8.6 describe plans to reduce the impact on the local infrastructure. ( 380.12(g)(2)) Appendix B.5 Appendix E.5 Appendix F.5 Section 5.8.1 Describe on-site manpower requirements and payroll during construction and operation including number Section 5.8.2 of construction personnel who currently reside within the impact area, would commute daily to the site Section 5.8.7 from outside the impact area, or would relocate temporarily within the impact area. ( 380.12(g)(3)) Appendix E.5 Appendix F.5 Section 5.3 Determine whether existing housing within the impact area is sufficient to meet the needs of the Section 5.8.2 additional population. ( 380.12(g)(4)) Table 5.3-1 Appendix C.5 Describe number and types of residences and businesses that would be displaced by the project, procedures to be used to acquire these properties, and types and amounts of relocation assistance Section 5.8.3 payments. ( 380.12(g)(5)) Conduct a fiscal impact analysis evaluating incremental local government expenditures in relation to incremental local government revenues that would result from construction of the project. Incremental expenditures include, but are not limited to, school operating costs, road maintenance and repair, public Appendix E.5 safety, and public utility costs. ( 380.12(g)(6)) Environmental justice statement (Executive Order 12898) Section 5.6 DRAFT RESOURCE REPORT 5 JCEP LNG Terminal Project Docket No. PF12-7-000 RESOURCE REPORT 5 SOCIOECONOMICS TABLE OF CONTENTS 5. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 POPULATION ........................................................................................................5-2 5.2 ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT ...........................................................................5-3 5.3 HOUSING ...............................................................................................................5-3 5.4 PUBLIC SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE ..............................................................5-4 5.5 TRANSPORTATION...............................................................................................5-4 5.6 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ....................................................................
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