Notice of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp's 6/19/01 filing of appl for authorization to construct its Leidy East Expansion Project to provide up to 130,000 dth per day of firm transportation for customers in NY, NJ, & PA, CP01-389.
J. GORDON PENNINGTON ATTORNEY AT LAW Georgetown Place 1101 30th Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20007 Phone: 202-625-4330 December 3, 2012 Ms. Kimberly D. Bose Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426-0001 Re: Perryville Gas Storage LLC Docket Nos. CP09-418-000 and CP13-___-000 ABBREVIATED APPLICATION OF PERRYVILLE GAS STORAGE LLC FOR LIMITED AMENDMENT TO A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Dear Secretary Bose: Attached hereto, and pursuant to Section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act, as amended, 1 and Part 157 of the regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) 2 is the Abbreviated Application of Perryville Gas Storage LLC (hereinafter referred to as PERRYVILLE STORAGE) for a limited amendment to the certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Commission to PERRYVILLE STORAGE in Docket No. CP09-418-000 on January 26, 2010. 1 15 U.S.C. 717f(c). 2 18 C.F.R. Part 157, Subpart A (2011). Perryville Gas Storage LLC Docket No. CP09-418-000 and CP13-___-000 Abbreviated Application for Limited Amendment to a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Page 2 Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please direct any questions regarding this filing to the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, /s/ J. Gordon Pennington Attorney for Perryville Gas Storage LLC Attachment-Amendment Application CC: All parties RESOURCE REPORT 6 GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES SUMMARY OF FILING INFORMATION INFORMATION: DATA SOURCES: Minimum Requirements to Avoid Rejection 1. Identify the location (by milepost) of mineral resources and any planned or active Section 6.3 surface mines crossed by the proposed facilities. ( 380.12(h)(1&2)) Section 6.4 Describe hazards to the facilities from mining activities, including subsidence, blasting, slumping or landsliding or other ground failure, 2. Identify any geologic hazards to the proposed facilities. ( 380.12(h)(2)): Section 6.4 For the offshore this information is needed on a mile-by mile basis and will require completion of geophysical and other surveys before filing. 3. Discuss the need for and locations where blasting may be necessary in order to Section 6.5 construct the proposed facilities. ( 380.12(h)(5)). 4. For LNG projects in seismic areas, include the materials required by Data Not Applicable Requirements for Seismic Review of LNG Facilities, NBSIR84.2833. ( 380.12(d)(5)) 5. For underground storage facilities, how drilling activity by others within or Section 6.7 adjacent to the facilities would be monitored, and how old wells would be located and monitored within the facility boundaries. ( 380.12(h)(6)) 6. Identify any sensitive paleontological resource areas crossed by the proposed Section 6.6 facilities. (Usually only if raised in ...
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