Comments/files of Larry Korte against Atlantic Coast Pipeline route - Augusta County VA PF15-6.

DOCKET# PF15-6 Proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline Route Not in Augusta County, VA Background Information Larry Korte, PO Box 977, Churchville, VA 24421 Augusta County Dominion acting badly Great DOM rep statements: We avoid Karst, we navigate around sinkholes by talking with landowners. I wouldnt live in a Karst area with a pipeline, yes a sinkhole formation will break the pipeline, we follow the rules and can come within 120 feet of homes and buildings while the blast zone for this pipeline is 1,100 feet, were not responsible for wells and springs and streams beyond our 200 foot right-of-way ask my friend who lost his well to sulfur during a pipeline construction 500 feet away with no compensation, We could use existing right of way for all but 20 miles but we dont want to, we donated $50,000 to your civic organizations hint hint, at the first DOM public meeting the lawyer answered most questions- thats a bad sign, we forgot about those ash waste ponds and yes they have been leaking into the streams, we learned from the problems with our pipeline in W.V. This is definitely a lot of firsts for us as in first 42 pipeline for Dominion, first going over 30 high mountain ridges, first 42 in Virginia, 30 miles of National Forest. Dominion Acting Badly 1. In trouble for water pollution 2. Introduce bill in Virginia legislature, SB 1163, on 1/19/2015, declaring natural gas infrastructure good for public interest effectively killing lawsuits against Dominion 3. Illusive ads 4. Stuff open houses with outside proponents 5. Refuses to meet with locals and opts out of route away from schools 6. Dominion hires NRG. NRG on staff at FERC 7. Virginia political donations Dominion in trouble for water pollution Megan Williams, 6:19 p.m. EST December 2, 2014 (Photo: WVDEP) Dominion Transmission Inc. is being cited by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection for sediment pollution due to the Dominion G-150 pipeline, dating back to Oct. 2012. The pipeline is a 60-mile natural gas line in West Virginia. The order was handed down to Dominion on Oct. 1 of this year and includes corrective actions that Dominion must take in light of the findings of unlawful sediment deposits in a number of waterways. Waterways identified in the 22-page order included Dry Fork, Sims Run, Little Tribble Creek, Grave Creek, Leach Run, Grave Creek, Bartletts Run, Little Toms Run and Middle Run. Currently Dominion is looking to build a $4 billion 550-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline from West Virginia to North ...

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