Windy Hill Gas Storage LLC submits the quarterly status report under FERC Docket Nos. CP06-19, for the period spanning January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013.
Enclosure Tallgrass Interstate Gas Transmission, LLC (TIGT) Docket No. CP12-495-000 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON PONY EXPRESS PIPELINE CONVERSION PROJECT Environmental Information Request Data Request Dated March 20, 2013 1. TIGTs supplement (filed December 17, 2012), Resource Report (RR) 2, Pages 2-9 states that on December 10, 2012, URS contacted the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) to request confirmation that no community or municipal water supply wells are within 400 feet of the updated Project facilities (i.e. Tescott Compressor Station). Also, page 2-10 of Resource Report (RR) 2 states URS contacted the KDHE on December 10, 2012 to request confirmation that the updated Project facilities were not within a Source Water Protection Area. Provide responses and a discussion of impacts. Response to Request No. 1: KDHE confirmed no public water supplies are within 400 feet of the new compressor station location and that the area is outside of any approved source water protection areas. This correspondence is included as Attachment 1 to this Data Request response. Respondent: Name: Nan Elzinga Title: Project Manager Phone Number: 303-740-3996 2. Provide an update of correspondence from the Colorado Department of Wildlife for staffs December 10, 2012 data request (data request) No. 25 which asks for threatened and endangered species consultations. Response to Request No. 2: Updated correspondence from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) (formerly Colorado Division of Wildlife) was received February 19, 2013, and is included as Attachment 2 to this Data Request response. CPW submitted a concurrence of findings of no effect to state listed threatened or endangered species. Respondent: Name: Nan Elzinga Title: Project Manager Phone Number: 303-740-3996 3. Provide an updated table of permits in response to data request No. 18. Indicate the status of each permit for spaces left blank in the previous table. Page 1 of 20 Enclosure Tallgrass Interstate Gas Transmission, LLC (TIGT) Docket No. CP12-495-000 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON PONY EXPRESS PIPELINE CONVERSION PROJECT Environmental Information Request Data Request Dated March 20, 2013 Response to Request No. 3: An updated table of permits is included as Attachment 3 to this Data Request response. Respondent: Name: Nan Elzinga Title: Project Manager Phone Number: 303-740-3996 4. Page 1-11 of RR 1 (filed December 17, 2012) and page 8-9 of RR 8, indicates that that several staging/pipe yards are located adjacent to the pipeline right-of-way as shown in the alignment sheets included in Appendix 1A of RR 1. Other than the pipe laydown areas identified on your alignment sheets, other specific pipe yards (not located adjacent to the pipeline right-of-way) are not designated on alignment ...
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