Abbreviated Application of National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Abandonmnet Authroization for the West Side Expansion and Modernization Project of under CP14-70.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Environmental Report, Exhibit F-I, National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation, Docket No. CP14-__-000, West Side Expansion and Modernization Project, Washington, Allegheny, Beaver, Venango, and Mercer Counties, Pennsylvania RESOURCE REPORT SIX - GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES SUMMARY OF COMMISSION FILING INFORMATION Information Found in 1. Identify the location (by milepost) of mineral resources and any planned or active surface mines crossed by the proposed Section 6.3, Table 6.3-1 facilities. (380.12(h)(1) and (2)) 2. Identify any geologic hazards to the proposed facilities. Section 6.4 (380.12(h)(2)) 3. Discuss the need for and locations where blasting may be necessary in order to construct the proposed facilities. Section 6.2 (380.12(h)(3)) 4. For LNG Projects in seismic areas, the materials required by Data Requirements for the Seismic Review of LNG Not Applicable Facilities, NBSIR84-2833. (380.12(h)(5)) 5. For underground storage facilities, how drilling activity by others within or adjacent to the facilities will be monitored, Not Applicable and how old wells will be located and monitored within the facility boundaries. (380.12(h)(6)) 6-i Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Environmental Report, Exhibit F-I, National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation, Docket No. CP14-__-000, West Side Expansion and Modernization Project, Washington, Allegheny, Beaver, Venango, and Mercer Counties, Pennsylvania TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 6.0 RESOURCE REPORT 6 - GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES ............................ 6-1 6.1 GEOLOGIC SETTING ....................................................................... 6-1 6.1.1 Topography .......................................................................... 6-1 6.1.2 Geology ................................................................................ 6-2 6.2 BLASTING ......................................................................................... 6-3 6.3 MINERAL RESOURCES ................................................................... 6-4 6.4 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ...................................................................... 6-4 6.4.1 Avoidance and Minimization of Adverse Effects ................... 6-4 6.4.2 Seismic Activity .................................................................... 6-5 6.4.3 Landslides ............................................................................ 6-5 6.4.4 Mine Subsidence .................................................................. 6-5 6.4.5 Surface Mining ..................................................................... 6-5 6.4.6 Karst Terrain and Caves....................................................... 6-5 6.5 PALEONTOLOGY ............................................................................. 6-6 6.6 LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS FACILITIES IN SEISMIC RISK AREAS ............................................. 6-6 6.7 REFERENCES .................................................................................. 6-6 6-ii Federal Energy Regulato
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