Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP, Coastal Bend Header Project, Docket No. CP15-517-000

Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP Coastal Bend Header Project Docket No. CP15-517-000 RESPONSE TO THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSIONS ENVIRONMENTAL DATA REQUEST Dated July 17, 2015 PUBLIC INFORMATION August 6, 2015 OEP/DG2E/Gas 2 Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP Docket No. CP15-517-000 375.308(z) Resource Report 1 General Project Description 1. Please provide peak construction employment at each compressor station separately and the expected duration of peak employment. Response: The following table provides the estimated peak construction employment and estimated duration of peak employment for each compressor station. Estimated Duration of Peak Compressor Station Estimated Peak Employment Employment Magasco Compressor Station 70 80 people 16 weeks Goodrich Compressor Station 20 30 people 8 weeks North Houston Compressor Station 70 80 people 16 weeks Brazos Compressor Station 80 100 people 24 weeks Wilson Compressor Station 150 160 people 36 weeks Page 1 of 60 OEP/DG2E/Gas 2 Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP Docket No. CP15-517-000 375.308(z) 2. Provide the following for the non-jurisdictional electric transmission facilities required for the proposed aboveground facilities: a. Company/owner; b. Type of facility; c. Dimensions (length, land area, etc.); d. Maps showing locations; e. Federal permits and their status; and f. Status of local and State permits required. Response: a.-c. The table below provides the company/owner, type of facility, and dimensions associated with each non-jurisdictional facility identified for the Project and is based on the best available information at the time of filing. Non-Jurisdictional Facilities Required for the Coastal Bend Header Project Company / a,b Facility Type of Facility Dimension Owner North Houston CenterPoint The power line will be standard power poles Compressor 4,000 feet (1.83 acres) Energy (35kV Line). Station Brazos CenterPoint The power line will be standard power poles Compressor 4.5 miles (10.91 acres) Energy (35kV Line). Station The utility will bring in a 480VAC from Wilson CenterPoint existing power line to power both the Wilson Compressor 1,100 feet (0.50 acres) Energy Compressor Station and the Enterprise M&R Station Station. Magasco Deep East Compressor Texas Electric The utility will use existing 7.2kV power line. Existing power line. Station Co-op TGPL M&R CenterPoint The utility will bring in a 240-120VAC from 4 miles (9.70 acres) Station Energy existing power line. Transco M&R CenterPoint The utility will bring in a 240-120VAC from 200 feet (0.09 acres) Station Energy existing power line. NGPL M&R CenterPoint The utility will bring in a 240-120VAC from 1,100 feet (0.50 acres) Station Energy existing power line. Gulf South Index CenterPoint The utility will bring in a 240-120VAC from 500 feet (0.23 ...

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