Order issuing certificate re Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company under CP00-373.
Exhibit 6 BROOKINGS ENERGY SECURITY AND CLIMATE INITIATIVE NATURAL GAS TASK FORCE NATURAL GAS ISSUE BRIEF #4: An Assessment of U.S. Natural Gas Exports JULY 2015 Tim Boersma Charles K. Ebinger Heather L. Greenley PREFACE I n May 2011, the Brookings Institution Energy Security and Climate Initiative (ESCI) assem- bled a Task Force of independent natural gas experts, whose expertise and insights inform its research on various issues regarding the U.S. natural gas sector. After the first series of meetings, Brookings released a report in May 2012 analyzing the case and prospects for ex- ports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States. The Task Force now continues to meet periodically to discuss important issues facing the gas sector more broadly. With input from the Task Force, Brookings will continue to release periodic issue briefs for policymakers. The conclusions and recommendations of this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the Task Force. Brookings recognizes that the value it provides to any supporter is in its absolute commitment to quality, independence, and impact. Activi- ties supported by its donors reflect this commitment, and the analysis and recommendations of the Institutions scholars are not determined by any donation. BRO O K I NGS NAT U RA L GAS TAS K FO RC E Issue Brief 4: An Assessment of U.S. Natural Gas Exports iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Ben Schlesinger, Lex Huurdeman, Jim Jensen, and Geert Greving for their careful reviews and/or helpful suggestions. The authors would also like to acknowledge the members of the Brookings Natural Gas Task Force for their time and helpful contributions during the October 2014 session upon which this issue brief is based. They are also grateful to Jennifer Potvin, Shams Haidari, and the Brookings Foreign Policy communica- tions team for their editorial assistance and work on the production of this brief. BRO O K I NGS NAT U RA L GAS TAS K FO RC E Issue Brief 4: An Assessment of U.S. Natural Gas Exports i ABOUT THE BROOKINGS ENERGY SECURITY AND CLIMATE INTITIATIVE The Energy Security and Climate Initiative (ESCI) at Brookings is designed to encourage the development, discussion, and dissemination of high-caliber energy security and climate re- search. ESCI, through its research and convening efforts, seeks to examine three key substan- tive aspects of energy security: the geopolitics of energy; the ...
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