Notice of filing instructions regarding Critical Energy Infrastructure Information under RM02-4 et al.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Critical Energy Infrastructure Information Docket Nos. RM02-4-001, PL02-1-001 NOTICE OF FILING INSTRUCTIONS (August 8, 2003) On July 23, 2003, the Commission issued Order No. 630-A which required that persons filing information that warrants special treatment as Non-Internet Public, Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) or Privileged must separate the information into clearly marked volumes. Pursuant to the Order, the Secretary is providing instructions for the filing of documents that contain Non- Internet, CEII, or Privileged material. The filing instructions are attached to this Notice and will be posted on the Commissions website. Magalie R. Salas Secretary FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20426 Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) Docket Nos. RM02-4-001 and PL02-1-001; Order No. 630-A Filing Instructions for Non-Internet Public, CEII, or Privileged Material (Revised August 8, 2003) On July 23, 2003, the Commission issued Order No. 630-A, a Final Rule on Rehearing of Order No. 630. The order requires that persons filing information that warrants special treatment as Non-Internet Public, CEII, or Privileged must separate the information into clearly marked volumes. The order also directs the Secretary of the Commission to provide instructions for submitting information in these categories. This document sets forth those instructions. The Federal Energy Regulatory Records Information System (FERRIS) is the Commissions online document management system for all documents filed with or issued by the Commission, except those under a Protective Order. The Commission incorporates into FERRIS descriptive information about each document, and provides either full or limited access to the document depending on whether the document contains Non-Internet Public, CEII, or Privileged material. Persons filing information that warrants special treatment as Non-Internet Public, CEII, or Privileged must organize the information as follows: 1. Separate Public, Non-Internet Public, CEII, and Privileged material into clearly-marked binders or separate sections. 2. Insert a page in the Public volume/section at each place where Non-Internet Public, CEII, or Privileged material has been removed. The page must identify the volume or section containing the removed material. 3. The first page of each volume or section (cover sheet) must include information sufficient to identify the filer, title of the submission, volume number (e.g., Vol. 1 of 4) and a description of the material contained therein. 2 4. Stamp or clearly mark all pages that are Non-Internet Public or CEII with the applicable designation (refer to the attached table). The cover sheet for each volume or ...
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