Letter inviting the Cayuga Nation to participate in the review of the Leach XPress Project planned by Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC under PF14-23.

Shea. RobertJ. ~l _ From: dtde91@comcast.net Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 4:07 PM To: Shea, Robert J. (DPU) Subject: Compressor StationJlllleymouth Docket#PF15-12 Dear Mr. Shea, This e-mail is being sent to go on record as being opposed to the proposed Compressor Station in Weymouth. I do not want this in my town. I have 2 children who go to school nearby and I am concerned for their health and safety as well other concerns including a decrease of home values and pollution. I urge you to seek an alternate site. Please consider increasing horsepower at the Burriville RI, and Eliot ME sites and bypass Weymouth completely. Thank you for your consideration. Patricia M. Shea 1 Shea, RobertJ. (DPU)~ _ From: Scott Moore (candlepinscott@gmail.com) Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2015 11:17 AM To: Shea, Robert J. (DPU) Subject: Spectra Energy Proposal I would like to make it known that as a orth Weymouth resident living on Paornet Road, I am entirely opposed to the addition on the Spectra Energy Compressor Station to our community. North Weymouth certainly already has an excessive amount of industry in our neighborhood. and while our family moved here after most oflhat industry was already in place, I don't believe that more industry, especially something as potentially dangerous as this compressor station, is in our best interests. After we moved into North Weymouth, I suffered a massive heart attack, and can't work regularly like I used to. Meanwhile, my family and I still love our home and our neighbors. I can not say for certain that I would be able to endure the potential health risks associated with this station's nonnal operations. North Weymouth has certainly tolerated plenty of industry which has moved in. I think enough is enough. We need to tell Spectra Energy that they are not welcome in our densely populated community, and that there has to be another, much less densely populated area which would be a better, safer place for their operation than our town. Sincerely, Scott Moore 1 Shea, Robert J. (DPU) From: LAURA JONES [empty222@msn.com} Sent: Sunday, June 07,20151:34 PM To: Shea, Robert J. (DPU) Subject: Weymouth's Proposed Gas Compressor Station Docket #PF15-12 To whom it may concern: I am opposed to the construction site of the Gas Compressor Station. I have lived in North Weymouth all of my life. My childhood was on King Cove Beach now known as, Kings Cove Beach Road, ...

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