Tesoro High Plains Pipeline Company LLC submits tariff filing per 342.2 or 342.4: Keene to Richey Initial Rate to be effective 7/1/2015 under IS15-523 Filing Type : 830

Table 1-10 Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Projects within the Resource-specific Study Areas Referenc Project Proponent/ Type County/ State Location Reference Construction Dates Description1 GIS e Owner Parish (Address/Geographical)1 Distance Number (Mi) No information available. The proposed project would involve the construction of an approximately 2.14- mile long siding track, adjacent to the existing mainline track, and associated ancillary features. The proposed project would include: (1) replacement of track culverts at five locations and extension of track culverts at two locations, (2) installation of one non-track culvert, (3) Union Pacific http://www.mvk.usace.army.m Section 26, T6N-R5W, construction of two access roads, (4) Railroad - Union Pacific il/Portals/58/docs/regulatory/p 1 Construction Natchitoches LA latitude 31.492996, replacement of one private road crossing, 26.0 Chopin Siding Railroad ublicnotices/TVG-MVK-2014- longitude -92.849061 (5) relocation of fence to accommodate Construction 714.pdf proposed right-of-way (ROW) acquisition, and (6) ancillary features such as signal pads and signal houses. Approximately 9.32 acres of additional ROW and 1.36 acres of temporary construction easements would be acquired to complete the proposed project. All work would be performed within the UPRR ROW and temporary construction easements. No information available. The proposed Pleasant Trinity Estates (PT) would be constructed on a 16-acre parcel of land. The development would be comprised of approximately 50 single- family residential house lots, associated roads/streets, and utilities as a planned residential development. All 50 homes, Standard http://www.mvk.usace.army.m Section 9, T17N-R4E, infrastructure, and drainage will be built at Enterprises Standard residential il/Portals/58/docs/regulatory/p 2 Ouachita LA latitude 32.4751 N, the same time. The road would consist of 8.5 Residential Enterprises development ublicnotices/CPM-MVK-2014- longitude -92.0706W curb and gutter with asphalt driving Development 92.pdf surface and underground drainage. The utilities, primarily electric, would be aerial service to each home. The development would have green space and park areas for use by the residents. The project would consist of a minimum lot size of 13,600 square feet (0.08 acre). http://www.adeq.state.ar.us/w No information available Cypress Groves CGH of Lake ater/branch_permits/general_ Housing Southeast corner of US Hwy Permit ARR153986 Expires 10/31/16. 3 Homes of Lake Village AR Chicot AR permits/stormwater/constructi 8.4 Development 65 and Connerly SWPPP submitted and complete Village 2011, LP on/npdes_constructionstormw ater_permit_tracking.aspx http://www.adeq.state.ar.us/w No information available. USACE, Tumey Road, Northwest of ater/branch_permits/general_ Lake Chicot Pumping plant ...

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