Dominion Cove Point LNG LP submits its Environmental F-1, Appendix 6-A GZA Environmental Geotechnical Report under CP05-130. Volume II of VIB.

]nofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050420-0304 Received by FERC OSEC 04/15/2005 in D o c k e t # : CP05-132-000 FILED ORlelNAL OFFICE O F THE SECRETARY ZOG5,~,q IS P 2: tltl PLIBL l)Domi,licm' _t..~.-,, ,,Y CO * H.~,~ION ~" ( , " i "l ~',*~2 r ~ l P FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT EXHIBIT F-1 COVE POINT EXPANSION TL-532 PIPELINE PROJECT DOMINION COVE POINT LNG, L.P. DOCKET NO. CP05- F~ -000 CALVERT, PRINCE GEORGES, AND CHARLES COUNTIES, MARYLAND Submitted B~. Dominion Cove Point LNG, L.P. 445 West Main Street Clarlmburg, West Virginia 26301 Prepared By:. GAI Consultants, Inc. Plttaburgh Office 385 East Waterfront Ddve Homestead, Pennsylvania 15120-5005 Project C040177.10 VOLUME I OF Vl Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050420-0304 Received by FERC OSEC 04/15/2005 in D o c k e t # : C P 0 5 - 1 3 2 - 0 0 0 RESOURCE REPORT 4 - CULTURAL RESOURCES 4.0 INTRODUCTION Initial cultural resources consultation and documentation, and documentation of consultation with Native Americans. ( 380.12(0 (I) (I) & (2)) Overview/Survey Report(s). ( 380.12(0 (I) (11)& (2)) This Resource Report addresses the nature and extent of cultural resources within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the TL-532 pipeline. The report includes: documentation of consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office(s) SHPO(s) (Appendix 4-A); a summary of the status of cultural resources investigations undertaken to date; a copy of the Interim Report, Phase I Cultural Resources Survey, prepared for the project (presented as Appendix 4-B); a copy of the Addendum Report, Supplemental Phase l Cultural Resources Survey, prepared for the project (presented as Appendix 4-C); V a brief summary of the status of Native American consultation regarding traditional cultural properties; and a plan for dealing with the unanticipated discovery of historic properties or human remains. 4.1 CONSULTATION WITH THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICERS On April 27, 2004, Ben Resoick, M.A., RPA, of GAI Consultants, Inc. (GAI) briefed Ms. Dixie Henry of the Maryland Historical Trust (MH'F) on the entire route of the proposed project in MD (the MHT Is the SHPO for MD). Along with representatives of DTI and GArs environmental group, Mr. Resnick showed her the route of the pipeline on USGS topographic maps, sought her advice concerning the rela6ve cultural resource sensltMty of the project corridor, and requested her Input concerning any cultural resource studies that might be needed for the pipeline project. In a letter dated June 17, 2004, she noted that the pipeline corridor traversed a region with several previously identified archaeological sites, including 18Cv144 ...

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