Letter order accepting USG Pipeline Co's First Revised Sheet 51 to FERC Gas Tariff, Original Volume 1, effective November 1, 2000, subject to further review in Order 637 proceeding etc under RP01-31.

DOE/EI A-0383( 201 3)|Apr il201 3 AnnualEner gy Outl ook2013 wi thPr oje cti onst o2040 For further information . . . The Annual Energy Outlook 2013 (AEO2013) was prepared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), under the direction of John J. Conti (john.conti@eia.gov, 202/586-2222), Assistant Administrator of Energy Analysis; Paul D. Holtberg (paul.holtberg@ eia.gov, 202/586-1284), Team Leader, Analysis Integration Team, Office of Integrated and International Energy Analysis; Joseph A. Beamon (joseph.beamon@eia.gov, 202/586-2025), Director, Office of Electricity, Coal, Nuclear, and Renewables Analysis; Sam A. Napolitano (sam.napolitano@eia.gov, 202/586-0687), Director, Office of Integrated and International Energy Analysis; A. Michael Schaal (michael.schaal@eia.gov, 202/586-5590), Director, Office of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels Analysis; and James T. Turnure (james.turnure@eia.gov, 202/586-1762), Director, Office of Energy Consumption and Efficiency Analysis. Complimentary copies are available to certain groups, such as public and academic libraries; Federal, State, local, and foreign governments; EIA survey respondents; and the media. For further information and answers to questions, contact: Office of Communications, EI-40 Forrestal Building, Room 1E-210 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20585 Telephone: 202/586-8800 Fax: 202/586-0727 (24-hour automated information line) Website: www.eia.gov E-mail: infoctr@eia.gov Specific questions about the information in this report may be directed to: General questions ...................................................... Paul Holtberg (paul.holtberg@eia.gov, 202-586-1284) National Energy Modeling System ........................ Dan Skelly (daniel.skelly@eia.gov, 202-586-2222) Executive summary ................................................... Paul Holtberg (paul.holtberg@eia.gov, 202/586-1284) Economic activity ....................................................... Kay Smith (kay.smith@eia.gov, 202/586-1132) World oil prices .......................................................... William Brown (william.brown@eia.gov, 202/586-8181) International oil production ..................................... James OSullivan (james.osullivan@eia.gov, 202/586-2728) International oil demand .......................................... Linda E. Doman (linda.doman@eia.gov, 202/586-1041) Residential demand ................................................... Owen Comstock (owen.comstock@eia.gov, 202/586-4752) Commercial demand ................................................ Kevin Jarzomski (kevin.jarzomski@eia.gov, 202/586-3208) Industrial demand ...................................................... Kelly Perl (eia-oeceaindustrialteam@eia.gov, 202/586-1743) Transportation demand ........................................... John Maples (john.maples@eia.gov, 202/586-1757) Electricity generation, capacity .............................. Jeff Jones (jeffrey.jones@eia.gov, 202/586-2038) Electricity genera

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