Houston Pipe Line Company LP Import and Export Natural Gas Blanket Authorization under CP14-13.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OFFICE OF FOSSIL ENERGY ) HOUSTON PIPE LINE COMPANY LP ) FE DOCKET NO, I4-16-NG ORDER GRANTING BLANKET AUTHORIZATION TO IMPORT AND EXPORT NATURAL GAS FROM AND TO MEXICO DOE/FE ORDER NO. 3399 FEBRUARY 20, 2014 It DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST On January 31. 2014. Houston Pipe Line Company LP (Houston) led an application with the Ofce of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA)l for blanket authorization to import up to 102.2 billion cubic feet (Bet) of natural gas from Mexico and to export up to 102.2 Bcf of natural gas to Mexico. The applicant requests the authoriIation be granted for a two-year term beginning on March 1. 2014. Houston is a Delaware limited partnership with its principal place of business in Houston, Texas 11, FINDING The application has been evaluated to determine if the proposed import and/or export arrangement meets the public interest requirement of section 3 of the NGA, as amended by section 201 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Pub L. 102486). Under section 3(c), the import and export of natural gas. including liqueed natural gas (LNG), from and to a nation with which there is in effect a free trade agreement requiring national treatment for trade in natural gas and the import of LNG from other international sources are deemed to be consistent with the public interest, and applications for such imports and exports must be granted without modication or delay. The authorization sought by Houston to import and export natural gas from and to Mexico, a nation with which a free trade agreement is in effect, meets the section 3(c) criterion and. therefore, is consistent with the public interest This Order authorizes transactions with terms of no longer than two years. ' The authority to regulate the imports and exports of natural gas. including liqueed natural gas, under section 3 01. the NGA (15 U.S.C. 7l 7b) has been delegated to the Assistant Secretary for FE in Redelegation Order No. 00-002.04F issued on July II. 2013. w ORDER Pursuant to section 3 of the NGA. it is ordered that: A. Houston is authorized to import up to [02.2 Bcf of natural gas from Mexico and to export up to IOZZ Bcf of natural gas to Mexico, pursuant to transactions that have terms otno longer than two years. This authori7ation shall be effective for a two-year term beginning on March 1, 2014, and extending ...

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