Texas Eastern Transmission, LP submits FERC Form 3Q Quarterly financial report of electric utilities, licensees, and natural gas companies for 2012/Q3.
Freeport LNG Liquefaction Project Resource Report 2 Water Use and Quality August 2012 Docket No. CP12- Prepared by Freeport LNG Liquefaction Project Resource Report 2 Water Use and Quality Resource Report 2 Water Use and Quality FERC Environmental Checklist Company Compliance or Part 380-Appendix A Minimum Filing Inapplicability of Requirements for Environmental Reports Requirement Identify all perennial surface waterbodies crossed by the Project and their Sections 2.3.2, 2.3.3, and water quality classification. (380.12(d)(1)) 2.3.4 Identify all waterbody crossings that may have contaminated waters or Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.3 sediments. (380.12(d)(1)). Identify watershed areas, designated surface water protection areas, and Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.3 sensitive waterbodies crossed by the Project. (380.12(d)( 1)). Provide a table (based on National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps if Tables 2.4-1, 2.4-2, and delineations have not been done) identifying all wetlands, by milepost and 2.4-3 length, crossed by the Project (including abandoned pipeline), and the total acreage and acreage of each wetland type that would be affected by construction. (380.12(d) (1 & 4)). Discuss construction and restoration methods proposed for crossing Sections,, wetlands, and compare them to staff's Wetland and Waterbody and Construction and Mitigation Procedures. (380.12(d)(2)). See also Section (Resource Report 1) Describe the proposed waterbody construction, impact mitigation, and Sections,, restoration methods to be used to cross surface waters and compare to the, and staff's Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures. See also Section (380.12(d)(2)). (Resource Report 1) Provide original NWI maps or the appropriate state wetland maps, if NWI Figures 2.4-1, 2.4-2, 2.4-3 maps are not available, that show all proposed facilities and include milepost locations for proposed pipeline routes. ( 380.12(d)(4)). Identify all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- or state- Section 2.2.3 designated aquifers crossed. ( 380.12(d)(9)). Identify proposed mitigation for impacts on groundwater resources. Section 2.2.6 Discuss the potential for blasting to affect water wells, springs, and Not Applicable wetlands, and associated mitigation. Identify all sources of hydrostatic test water, the quantity of water required, Sections methods for withdrawal, and treatment of discharge, and any waste products generated. If underground storage of natural gas is proposed, identify how water Not Applicable produced from the storage field will be disposed. If salt caverns are proposed for storage of natural gas, identify the source Not Applicable locations, the quantity required, the method and rate of water withdrawal, and disposal methods. For each waterbody greater than 100 feet wide, provide site-specific Appendix 2-B construction mitigation and restoration plans. Indicate mitigation measures to be u
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