Motion to Intervene of State of Michigan under CP12-491.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ) Trunkline Gas Company, LLC ) Docket No. CP12-491-000 MOTION TO INTERVENE AND PROTEST OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN Pursuant to Rules 211 and 214 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissions ("FERC") Rules of Practice and Procedures (18 C.F.R. 385.211 and 385.214), Rick Snyder, Governor of the State of Michigan, hereby moves to intervene and protest the application by Trunkline Gas Company, LLC (Trunkline) to abandon the natural gas pipeline that currently supplies nearly one-third of Michigans natural gas. I. NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONS Richard D. Snyder is the duly elected Governor of the State of Michigan. Communications regarding this motion are to be sent to: Rick Snyder Valerie Brader Governor Deputy Legal Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor 111 South Capitol Avenue Samantha Simons, Administrative Assistant P.O. Box 30013 Executive Office of Gov. Rick Snyder Lansing, MI 48909 111 South Capitol Avenue P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 II. MOTION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE As the Governor of the state most affected by the proposed abandonment, I have an interest in this proceeding and my participation is necessary, in the public interest, and appropriate to the administration of the Natural Gas Act. Trunkline is proposing to convert a key piece of natural gas infrastructure for the State of Michigan into an oil pipeline that will not serve Michigans energy needs. Today, the natural gas this pipeline supplies heats the homes and businesses of a large part of Michigan. In short, this infrastructure is vital to the energy supply and reliability in Michigan, with major ramifications for the ability to heat Michigans homes at an affordable price. I also have concerns regarding the implications this would have on the states economic development and energy policy as a whole. The Governor of Michigan, as the highest ranking elected official in the state, is qualified to represent a wide variety of interests throughout the state. III. PROTEST Michigan, and the nation, needs more natural gas infrastructure, not less. We must have an energy policy that supports excellent reliability, at a competitive price, while protecting the environment. Above all, our policies must ensure adaptability to a variety of futures. Not only would allowing this abandonment fail to advance any of these goals, it would negatively impact all of them. First, this abandonment would threaten the reliability of a crucial heating source for Michigan. ...

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