Calhoun LNG, LP and Point Comfort Pipeline Co submit an application to site, construct and operate a Liquefied Natural Gas Import Facilities etc under CP05-91. Volume I. Part 2 of 5.
Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050325-0044 Received by FERC OSEC 03/18/2005 in D o c k e t # : C P 0 5 - 9 1 - 0 0 0 _ j ~ ORIGINAL Calhoun LNG Project Calhoun LNG, L.P. Point Comfort Pipeline Company, L.P. ~ ~ ~===~ P" x:: 4~ tJJ:lE Volume I =~ =-~~=~~o LjU'~ ,'d ...~ Public THE PORTof--,Imlli Port Lavaca - Pont Comfort Co.ntx Navtga~ D ~ March 18, 2005 P ~ PU Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050325-0044 Received by FERC OSEC 03/18/2005 in D o c k e t # : C P 0 5 - 9 1 - 0 0 0 PUBLIC CALHOUN LNG PROJECT C A L H O U N LNG, L.P. & POINT COMFORT PIPELINE COMPANY, L.P. RESOURCE REPORT 2 WATER USE & QUALITY MARCH 18, 2005 Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050325-0044 Received by FERC OSEC 03/18/2005 in D o c k e t # : C P 0 5 - 9 1 - 0 0 0 Resource Report 2 PUBLIC Water Use and Quality Resource Report 2 Water Use and Quality FERC Environmental Checklist Company Compliance or Part 380-Appendix A Minimum Filling Requirements for Inapplicability of Environmental Reports Requirement Minimum Requirements to Avoid Rejection [] 1. Identify all perennial surface waterbodies crossed by the Sections and, proposed project and their water quality classification. and Table 2.2-1 (380.12(d)(1)) Identify by milepost Table 2.2-1 Indicate if potable water intakes are within 3 miles Sections and downstream of the crossing . Identify all waterbody crossings that may have Sections and contaminated waters or sediments. (380.12(d)(1)) Identify by milepost NA Include offshore sediments NA [ ] 3. Identify watershed areas, designated surface water Sections and protection areas, and sensitive waterbodies crossed by the proposed project. (380.12(d)(1)) Identify by milepost NA [ ] 4. Provide a table (based on NWl maps if delineations have Tables 2.2-2 and 2.2-3 not been done) identifying all wetlands, by milepost and length, crossed by the proposed project (including abandoned pipeline), and the total acreage and acreage of each wetland type that would be affected by construction. (380.12(d)(1)(1&4)) 5. Discuss construction and restoration methods proposed for Sections and crossing wetlands, and compare them to staff's Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures. (380.12(d)(2)) 6. Describe the proposed waterbody construction, tmpact Sections and mitigation, and restoration methods to be used to cross surface waters and compare to the staff's Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures. (380.12(d)(2)) Although the Procedures do not apply offshore, the first NA part of this requirement does apply. Be sure to include effects of sedimentation, etc. This information is needed on a mile-by-mile basis and will require completion of geophysical and other surveys before filing. (See ...
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