PennEast Pipeline Company, LLC Submits the Attachments for Its Responses to the November 24, 2015 Data Request under CP15-558.

Attachment 11 Supplemental Information to Appendix O HDD Drilling Plan for Karst Terrain FINAL FERC 7(c) Application DECEMBER 2015 HDD DRILLING PLAN FOR KARST TERRAIN PENNEAST PIPELINE PROJECT Preliminary HDD Drilling Plan for Karst Terrain PennEast Pipeline Project Issue and Revision Record Rev Date Originator Checker Approver Description A 12/14/2015 V. Shah S. Crouse M. Wilcox Issued for Information This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authorization of Hatch Mott MacDonald being obtained. Hatch Mott MacDonald accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequence of this document being used for a purpose other than the purposes for which it was commissioned. Any person using or relying on the document for such other purpose agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm their agreement to indemnify Hatch Mott MacDonald for all loss or damage resulting therefrom. Hatch Mott MacDonald accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person by whom it was commissioned. To the extent that this report is based on information supplied by other parties, Hatch Mott MacDonald accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by the client, whether through contract or tort, stemming from any conclusions based on data supplied by parties other than Hatch Mott MacDonald and used by Hatch Mott MacDonald in preparing this report. Proprietary & Confidential 353754-HMM-E-E-007 RevA Page 1 HDD DRILLING PLAN FOR KARST TERRAIN PENNEAST PIPELINE PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................................................3 2.0 HDD DRILLING PRACTICES.................................................................................................................................................3 2.1 General Description of HDD Activities...................................................................................4 2.2 Drilling Fluids Used ................................................................................................................4 3.0 HDD CROSSINGS AND KARST TERRAIN.................................................................................................................................5 4.0 MONITORING AND RESPONSE FOR DOWNGRADIENT RECEPTORS ..............................................................................7 4.1 Training...................................................................................................................................7 4.2 Monitoring and Reporting......................................................................................................7 4.3 Monitoring Plan for Nearby Receptors .........................................................

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