Tapstone Midstream, LLC submits tariff filing per 347.1: Tapstone Depreciation Study Filing to be effective N/A under DO16-10 Filing Type : 1160

ca tapstone LLR('V February 12, 2016 OIL PIPELINE FILING Kimberly D. Bose Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First St., NE Washington, DC 20426 Re: Tapstone Midstream, LLC, Docket No. D016- Request for Approval of Proposed Initial Depreciation Rates Dear Ms Bose: Tapstone Midstream, LLC (Tapstone or the Company) hereby requests approval of its proposed initial depreciation rates to be effective February 15, 2014. The Company les the accompanying information in compliance with the requirements of 18 CFR Part 347, Oil Pipeline Depreciation Studies, respectfully requesting any necessary waiver of Part 347 relative to the timing of this request. The accompanying information was prepared with the assistance of Regulatory Economics Group, LLC. I hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to each shipper and to each subscriber. Tapstone Midstream, LLC MA Robert P. Costello General Counsel Tapstone Midstream, LLC 100 E Main Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 702-1611 co: Joseph Athey, FERC All shippers and subscribers 113 Communication Systems 6.71% 114 Office Furniture and Equipment 5.05% 115 Vehicles and Other Work Equipment 5.76% 116 Other Property 3.69% 117 Asset Retirement Costs for Gathering Lines 3.36% Average Remaining Life 347.1(e)(4) An explanation of the average remaining life on a physical and on an economic basis. Economic forces play a signicant role in the expected service life of the Pipeline. The economic exhaustion of crude supplies in the Granite Wash area sets an upper limit of demand for transportation services on the Pipeline. Tapstone estimates an economic life of 30 years based on the supply life of crude oil. Forecasted consumption generally supports a service life in the upper range. Competitive pressures create uncertainty regarding the service life of the Pipeline. Tapstone believes that such forces will likely cause the Pipeline to become economically obsolete prior to the end of the physical life of the long-lived pipeline assets. There is considerable uncertainty when attempting to forecast economic lives far into the future, The sensitivity of these forecasts to assumptions regarding price, technology, and emergence of substitutes is signicant. Physical characteristics determine the expected remaining lives of short- and medium-lived assets. Tapstone classies communication systems (account 1 13), ofce furniture (account 1 14), and vehicles and other work equipment (account 115) as short and medium-lived assets. SPECIFIC BACKGROUND DATA System Maps 347.1(e)(5)(i) Up-todate engineering maps ofthe pipeline. Please refer to the map and accompanying schematic diagram at Attachment B showing the Wheeler County Gathering System. The direction of ow is for each of the dis-contiguous systems is toward its respective central tank battery. ...

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