In Reply Refer To: OEP/DEER/Gas 1 Southern Natural Gas Company Docket No. CP02-1-000 025 375.308(x) December 11, 2001 R. David Hendrickson Associate General Counsel Southern Natural Gas Company 1900 Fifth Avenue North P.O. Box 2563 Birmingham, AL 35202-2563 Dear Mr. Hendrickson: Please provide the information described in the enclosure to assist in our analysis of the above certificate application. File your response in accordance with the provisions of the Commissions Rules of Practice and Procedure. In particular, 18 CFR 025 385.2010 (Rule 2010) requires that you serve a copy of the response to each person whose name appears on the official service list for this proceeding. Please file a complete response within 20 days of the date of this letter. If certain information cannot be provided within this time frame, please indicate which items will be delayed and provide a projected filing date. Failure to file timely, accurate, and complete responses will only delay the processing of this application. File all responses under oath (18 CFR 025 385.2005) by an authorized Southern Natural Gas Company representative and include the name, position, and telephone number of the respondent to each item. Sincerely, David M. Gallo Project Manager Office of Energy Projects Enclosure cc: Public File, Docket No. CP01-79-000 All Parties Mr. Patrick B. Pope Vice President & General Counsel 2 Southern Natural Gas Company P.O. Box 2563 Birmingham, AL 35202-2563 Mr. Michael D. Moore Director, Federal Agency Relations El Paso Corporation 555 11th Street, N.W. Suite 750 Washington, D.C. 20004 Enclosure Southern Natural Gas Company (Southern) Docket No. CP02-1-000 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION REQUEST 1. Page 1-13, section 1.2.1 states that on Loop 5 and 6, Southern proposes to remove previously abandoned 12-inch pipe. Figure 1.2.1-6 and the alignment sheets indicate an abandoned 10-inch-diameter line. Which is correct? If Figure 1.2.1-6 and the alignment sheets are incorrect, please provide a new cross-section diagram and alignment sheet. 2. Southern proposes to remove previously abandoned pipe from its right-of-way concurrent with construction activities on proposed Loops 5 and 6. Will this involve same ditch installation of the new 36- and 30-inch-diameter loop line segments? 3. Please provide cross-section diagrams that correspond to the alignment sheets showing where the proposed pipelines cross- over the existing lines and would be either on the north or south side of the existing lines. Please indicate the mileposts, counties, and states. 4. Will there be any electrical facilities constructed to provide electric power service to the proposed electric motor-driven compressors? If so, please provide location and route, ...
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