(doc-less) Motion to Intervene of National Grid Gas Delivery Companies, et. al. under RP12-80.

20111031-0052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 10/31/2011 A. NELESSEN ASSOCIATES, Inc. 49 River Road, Belle Mead, NI 00502 I T 909.431.0104 P 909.431.0114 I www. nelessen. rom IN VISIDNING PIANNING URBAN DESIGN SPECIALIZING IN IRSUAL PREFERENCE SVRVETSnr AS A PUBLIC PAR77CIPATION TOOL FOR PLANNING AND DESIGN The Honorable Kimberly Bose in Secretary 1 r1 1 "n Federal Regulatory Commission ) r 888 First Street, NE Washington, D.C. Docket Number: CP11-56-000 October 28, 2011 Dear Secretary Bose: Please accept the attached statement that expounds on my earlier abbreviated testimony before FERC in Jersey City on October 19, 2011. Because of time limitations and the lateness of the night, I had presented an abbreviated version of the attached. C~ Sincerely kt Anton Nelessen 20111031-0052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 10/31/2011 STATEMENT My name is Anton Nelessen. I am an Associate Professor and the Program Director of Undergraduate Programs in Planning, Public Policy and Public Health at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. As Program Director our programs are focused on the healthy, sustainable, affordable and environmentally responsible future for New Jersey and its cities. For 38 years I directed the Urban Design Studio at Rutgers, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. The Urban Design studio is focused on the redevelopment of cities and has prepared physical development and redevelopment plans, transit oriented plans and zoning codes for many of New Jersey's major cities. I am also the principal planner, urban designer and founder of A. Nelessen Associates (ANA), an award winning Visioning, Planning and Urban Design firm in Belle Mead, New Jersey. I am a registered planner in the State of New Jersey and have served a wide range of public and private clients worldwide ranging from new town centers in South Africa, Orlando, Florida and Robbinsville, New Jersey to the redevelopment plan for the old harbor in Rotterdam to downtown plans for Milwaukee, Midtown Atlanta, and Journal Square in Jersey City to small town redevelopments in Collingswood and Princeton, New Jersey. The ANA Team has extensive experience in infill, redevelopment and rehabilitation plans. The ANA Teams consisted almost entirely of post graduate students from some of the best planning and architecture schools in the United States including the Bloustein School's Urban Design Program. 20111031-0052 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 10/31/2011 For many years my firm has been the principal urban designer and planner on multiple projects in Jersey City including: - The Journal Square - City Center Vision and Redevelopment Plan - Liberty Harbor North - Redevelopment ...

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