Comments of Tim Robinson re the Nexus Natural Gas Pipeline Project under PF15-10.
20150608-0097 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 06/08/2015 Swancreek Township Trustee Pamela Moore 409 Dodge St. Swanton, Ohio 43558 p B5-&v pammooreciubsalon95Ngmail.corn 419-826-8015 gu~C,'~ I & took office as Swancreek Township Trustee January 1, 2012. I ran to be the I voice of the people in our Township. On December 8, 2014 at our township meeting motioned not to support I Nexus Pipeline or any other pipeline, it was passed by resolution and all voting yes. Now I will tell you why. 2012. The Trustees met with Mark My first contact with Nexus was early Wagoner Nexus attorney and a Nexus representative to discuss the proposed pipeline. At that time it was not going through our township. The next time I heard anything about Nexus was last fall. A neighbor told me about an open house that was being held at Swanton High School for Nexus Pipeline. The open house was for the residents that were being affected by the pipeline. I attended it along with the other two Trustees to see what was going on. We were not notified at all that the proposed pipeline was running through our Township. Being public officials for Swancreek Township we felt we should have been. Mark Wagoner met us at the door and got a representative to help us. We had lots of questions that night. Later that evening I emailed more questions to the representatives that helped us earlier. He forwarded them to Mr. Wagoner so he could address them with me. ) I have attached the emails between Mark Wagoner and myself. 20150608-0097 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 06/08/2015 Swancreek Township Trustee Pamela Moore 409 Dodge St. Swanton, Ohio 43558 pa mmooreclubsa lon95@gma il.corn 419-826-8015 We never got a straight answer on any of our questions. We asked for transparency. We felt Nexus was not being upfront with us as you'l see when you read the emails. As a public official I am concerned about Safety, can our fire departments handle an incident? Our roads cannot handle the truck traffic construction will bring. Who will repair the roads? What will happen to our orchards, forests, parks and wetlands? Will they repair the entire farm drainage tiles there going to destroy? Who will make up lost tax dollars when property values go down? How does this pipeline benefit Swancreek Township? What can we expect long term 20, 30, 40 years from now'? What will Swancreek Township be like' Why did Nexus contact ...
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