Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC submits tariff filing per 341.4 & 342.2: Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC FERC Nos. 31.4, 32.5, 33.4_Add_Fee_Re-Issue to be effective 7/2/2012 under IS12-479. Filing Type : 830
Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP 701 East Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219 July 23, 2012 Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 Re: Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP Cove Point Liquefaction Project PF12-16-000 Draft Resource Reports 1 and 10 Dear Secretary Bose: On June 26, 2012, the Commission issued an Approval of the Pre-Filing Process Request for Dominion Cove Point LNG, LPs (DCPs) Cove Point Liquefaction Project (Project) and the associated National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process, as filed under the above referenced docket. Pursuant to Section 157.21(f)(5) of the Commissions regulations, DCP hereby submits Draft Resource Report 1 and a summary of the alternatives considered (i.e., Resource Report 10). In accordance with 18 CFR 388.112 and 388.113, this filing consists of two volumes: Volume I Public, and Volume II Contains Privileged Information Do Not Release. DCP requests that, pursuant to Section 388.112 of the Commissions regulations, the landowner information and trade secrets filed in Volume II be treated as privileged and confidential, and that it not be released to the public. This volume is labeled Contains Privileged Information Do Not Release and contains information that is customarily treated as privileged and confidential. If you have any questions, please contact me at 804-771-4416. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Amanda K. Prestage Amanda K. Prestage Regulatory and Certificates Analyst III cc: Ms. Maggie Suter, FERC UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION DOMINION COVE POINT LNG, LP Docket No. PF12-16 COVE POINT LIQUEFACTION PROJECT VOLUME I OF II PUBLIC Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP Cove Point Liquefaction Project Docket No. PF12-16 Resource Report 1 General Project Description DRAFT JULY 2012 VOLUME I OF II Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP Draft Resource Report 1 Cove Point Liquefaction Project General Project Description PF12-16 July 2012 SUMMARY OF REQUIRED FERC REPORT INFORMATION FERC Report Reference Topic Reference or Not Applicable 1. Provide a detailed description and location map of the project 380.12(c)(1) Section 1.2.2, facilities. Figures 1-2 1-13, Include all pipeline and aboveground facilities. Appendix 1-A and Include support areas for construction or operation. Appendix 1-B Identify facilities to be abandoned. 2. Describe any nonjurisdictional facilities that would be built in 380.12(c)(2) Section 1.10 association with the project. 2.55(a) Include auxiliary facilities. Describe the relationship to the jurisdictional facilities. Include ownership, land requirements, gas consumption, megawatt size, construction status, and an update of the latest status of Federal, state, and local permits/approvals. Include the length and diameter of any ...
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