Texas Eastern Transmission, LP submits tariff filing per 154.204: ConocoPhillips TEMAX Agreements to be effective 11/1/2011 under RP12-33 Filing Type : 570

Texas Eastern Transmission, LP Part 4 - Statements of Rates FERC Gas Tariff 15.30 ConocoPhillips - contract 910662 Eighth Revised Volume No. 1 Version 2.0.0 Page 2 of 4 Contract No. 910662 pursuant to Section 3.14 of the General Terms and Conditions of Texas Easterns FERC Gas Tariff (GT&C), and (ii) any quantity of capacity released at such time by Customer under Contract No. 910662 pursuant to Section 3.14 of the GT&C on the Forwardhaul segment of mainline capacity extending from the REX Interconnect to the first Point of Receipt, Point of Delivery or compressor station located Downstream of the REX Interconnect (for clarity, the term Remaining MDRO, as used herein, and the term Net MDRO, as used in Pipelines LINK system, have different meanings and are intended to be utilized for different purposes). 2. With respect to service, up to a delivered quantity equal to the applicable Remaining MDRO, from a Primary Receipt Point (up to the applicable MDRO) to a Primary or Secondary Delivery Point in Zone M2 or M3, the Usage-1 charge shall be $0.00/Dth delivered, the Usage-2 charge will be the maximum applicable Rate Schedule FT-1 (TEMAX Project Facilities) recourse Usage-2 charge, and Customer shall also pay a negotiated Applicable Shrinkage ("ASA") charge of 1.2%; however, the applicable Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) charge and other charges/surcharges applicable to Customer's Contract No. 910662 under Rate Schedule FT-1 will not be assessed. 3. With respect to Backhaul service, up to a delivered quantity equal to the applicable Remaining MDRO, from a Secondary Receipt Point located in the Primary Path to a Primary or Secondary Delivery Point in Zone M2 or M3, the Usage-1 charge shall be $0.00 / Dth delivered, the Usage-2 charge will be the maximum applicable Rate Schedule FT-1 (TEMAX Project Facilities) recourse Usage-2 charge, and Customer shall also pay a negotiated ASA charge of 1.2%; however, the applicable ACA charge and other charges / surcharges applicable to Customers Contract No. 910662 under Rate Schedule FT-1 will not be assessed. 4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Usage Rate section, the delivered quantity eligible to receive the negotiated usage rates and ASA charges contemplated in Sections A.2 and A.3 above is limited in the aggregate on any given Day across all nominations on Contract 910662 to a delivered quantity equal to the Remaining MDRO held at the applicable time under Contract No. 910662. B. In lieu of the rates and charges set forth in Section A above, with respect to service not meeting the criteria ...

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