Mid-America Pipeline Co, LLC submits Supplement 1 to FERC Oil Tariff 22 to admend items 210B & 310B in compliance with Interstate Commerce Act & FERC's Rules & Regulations etc under IS04-112.
20020822-0459 Received by F E R C OSEC 08/09/2002 in D o c k e t # : CP01-415-000 " ,PUBUC EulTmmu.. V Natm~ O ~ e,empmy 5400Wea~e~n~Com~ P.O. Box 1642 Hotunon, 'I*X 77251-1642 Augu~9,2~2 ORIGINAL Ms. Magalie 1L Salas, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 :~m "; Re: East Tennessee Natural Gas Company, Docket No. CP01 415-000 N.~ _ , Supplemental Response to FERC Data Request No. 7 Dated July 15, 2 0 0 ~ c.n Results of Cultural and Endangered and Threatened Species Consultations~ for the Modified Foster Falls to Hillsville Route Alternative Gas Branch 2, PJ-I 1.2; 375.308(x) Dear Ms. Salas: On July 25, 2002, East Tennessee filed a response to the Commission's July 15, 2002 Data Request No.7 in the captioned proceeding and indicated that it would provide site- specific environmental analysis reports for the Blue Ridge Parkway and for the Appalachian Trail and U.S. Forest Service land crossings when these reports were finalized. Accordingly, East Tennessee herewith submits for filing these reports. In the Draft Environmental Impact Statement prepared by the Commission in April 2002, the Commission's Staff requested cultural and endangered and threatened species consultations for the Modified Foster Falls to Hillsville Route Alternative. East Tenness~ herewith submits for filing the results of these consultations. East Tennessee requests that information contained in the cultural reports labeled "Contains Privileged Information - Do Not Release", be treated as confidential pursuant to Section 388.112 oftbe Commission's regulations, for use by the Commission's Staff only and not to be released to the public. Due to the voluminous nature of the attachments, East Tennessee will furnish the attachments upon request. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 385.2010, East Tennessee is contemporaneously serving copies of this response, with the exception of the attachments, to persons whose names appear on the official service list for this pro,~ding. 20020822-0459 Received by F E R C OSEC 08/09/2002 in D o c k e t # : CP01-415-000 1.! PROJECT IMPACTS Construction of the Project would affect a total estimated 4.85 acres of NPS/USFS lands in Virginia. The 4.85 acres disturbed includes 2.12 acres of the existing fight-of-way and 2.73 acres of temporary workspace (see Appendix B for Project plan views of the pipeline crossing of federal lands). Please refer to Table 1-1 and Appendix B for the proposed temporary and permanent rights-of-way on fedend lands. S u m m a r y of ~ S F S Land Impacts I Exi~ Co~ido~ L*.sth m,...
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