TC Offshore LLC submits tariff filing per 154.204: Service Agmt - Housekeeping to be effective 3/14/2013 under RP13-553 Filing Type : 570
Exhibit No. PBF-6 PUBLIC VERSION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATION COMMISSION PBF Holding Company LLC and Toledo Refining Company LLC, Complainants v. Docket No. OR12-14-001 Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership, Respondent PREPARED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF THOMAS O. MIESNER on behalf of PBF HOLDING COMPANY LLC and TOLEDO REFINING COMPANY LLC February 15, 2013 THOMAS O. MIESNER SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY Mr. Miesner is the founder and principal of Pipeline Knowledge & Development, a firm that offers consulting services to the onshore energy pipeline industry. His testimony addresses the apportionment process used by Enbridge on its Mainline system during the period of December 2011 through July 2012. Line 5 and Line 6 on the Enbridge Mainline system are both crude oil pipelines having the same origin and termination points although they traverse different routes and have different delivery and receipt points. Enbridge, not the shippers, determines whether crude oil nominations move on Line 5 or Line 6. During the period December 2011 through July 2012, Line 5 was apportioned each month. Although Line 6 was utilized to full capacity each month during that period, Line 6 was not apportioned. Mr. Miesner is not able to explain why Line 5 was apportioned and Line 6 was full but not apportioned during eight consecutive months. He does not find it plausible that shipper nominations of the grades of crude oil transported on the pertinent segment of Line 6 (Line 6B) coincided exactly with the available capacity on that segment for each of the months December 2011 through July 2012. He considers it more likely that Enbridge assigned nominations between Line 5 and Line 6B in a manner which caused Line 6B to be fully utilized but not apportioned. Assigning nominations in that manner would have caused the full burden of apportionment to fall entirely on Line 5 during the pertinent period. Acronyms AOPL Association of Oil Pipelines B/D Barrels per day CPL Conoco Pipe Line Company LSB Light Sour Blend PBF PBF Holding Company LLC and its subsidiary Toledo Refining Company LLC PKD Pipeline Knowledge and Development Exhibit No. PBF-6 Page 1 of 8 Pages PUBLIC VERSION 1 PREPARED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF THOMAS O. MEISNER 2 I. Introduction 3 Q. Please state your name, title, and business address. 4 A. My name is Tom Miesner. I am the founder and principal of Pipeline 5 Knowledge & Development (PKD), a firm that offers consulting services 6 to, and teaches courses for, the onshore energy pipeline industry and its 7 myriad of stakeholders. My business address is 1303 Robert E. Lee #8, 8 Austin, ...
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