Comments of Roy K. Simpson re the Sabal Trail Transmission Project under CP15-17.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION BP Pipelines Alaska Inc. ConocoPhillips Transportation Alaska, Inc. Docket No. OR1406000ExxonMobil Pipeline Company UNOPPOSED MOTION OF CONOCOPHILLIPS ALASKA, INC. TO AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT PREFILED EXHIBITS, TO WAIVE DATE FOR FILING ANSWERS, AND REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION Pursuant to Rules 212 and 215 of the Commissions Rules of Practice and Procedure,ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. CPAI moves to substitute certain exhibits previously filed but notyet entered into evidence and to submit certain supplemental exhibits. In particular, CPAI seeksto submit substitute exhibits for exhibits CPA1 and CPA16 and add exhibits CPA22 throughCPA25. As this motion is unopposed and the deadline for filing exhibits is close, CPAI requeststhat the court also waive the date for filing answers and grant expedited consideration to thismotion. The content and purpose of the present motion has been disclosed to counsel for all otherparties to this proceeding, and all parties have indicated to CPAI that they do not oppose thismotion. Given the unopposed nature of this motion and the rapid approach of the ProceduralOrders February 3, 2014 deadline for the parties to file two complete final sets of their exhibits,CPAI respectfully requests that the Court waive the period to answer this motion and ruleexpeditiously. On January 3, 2014, in conformance with the Procedural Order of November 14, 2013, inthe abovecaptioned docket, CPAI submitted its answering testimony and exhibits. Thissubmission consisted of the testimony of Mr. John OBrien Exhibit CPA1, supporting exhibits
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