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Viking Gas Transmission Company Annual Peak Day Report for Viking Gas Transmission Company.


CE C FLNG G LNG P Project Docket No o. PF13-11-000 Res source e Repo ort 10 Alterrnatives Dra aft Filing May M 2013 CE FLNG, LLC Resource Report 10 CE Pipeline, LLC Alternatives CE FLNG LNG Project Docket No. PF 13-11-000 Resource Report 10 Filing Requirements Information Location in Resource Report Minimum Filing Requirements 1. Discuss the no action alternative and the potential for accomplishing the proposed objectives through the use of other systems and/or energy Section 10.1 conservation. Provide an analysis of the relative environmental benefits and costs for each alternative. 380.12(l)(1) Section 10.2 Section 10.3 2. Describe alternative routes or locations considered for each facility during the initial screening for the project. 380.12(l)(2) Section 10.4 Section 10.7 (i) For alternative routes considered in the initial screening for the project but eliminated, describe the environmental characteristics of each route or site, and the reasons for rejecting it. Identify the location of such alternatives on maps of sufficient scale to depict their location and relationship to the Section 10.7 proposed action, and the relationship of the pipeline to existing rights-of- way. 380.12(l)(2)(i) (ii) For alternative routes or locations considered for more in-depth consideration, describe the environmental characteristics of each route or site and the reasons for rejecting it. Provide comparative tables showing the differences in environmental characteristics for the alternative and proposed Section 10.7 action. The location of any alternatives in this paragraph shall be provided on maps equivalent to those required in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. 380.12(l)(2)(ii) ii May 2013 CE FLNG, LLC Resource Report 10 CE Pipeline, LLC Alternatives CE FLNG LNG Project Docket No. PF 13-11-000 TABLE OF CONTENTS 10.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1 NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE ............................................................................ 10-3 10.2 ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES AND ENERGY CONSERVATION ....... 10-3 10.3 SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES ............................................................................... 10-4 10.3.1 Export System Alternatives ................................................................... 10-4 10.3.2 Pipeline System Alternatives .............................................................. 10-10 10.4 LNG TERMINAL SITE ALTERNATIVES ........................................................ 10-10 10.4.1 Ostrica Site ......................................................................................... 10-10 10.4.2 Magnolia Plantation Site ..................................................................... 10-13 10.4.3 U.S. Regional Review ......................................................................... 10-13 10.4.4 Site Review .......................................

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Pages: 64

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