Notice of Application requesting that the Commission grant approval to abandon, by transfer from Equitrans to EGC re Equitrans, L.P. et al under CP13-87.
20130403-0250 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 04/02/2013 EDWARDS & FLOOM, LLP 1517 1 iso RTRssr ALL'xAYDR1A, vA 22314 1'HONE: 17851 544-1888 RAR. 18rU 548-89)8 April 2, 2013 Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 Re: ANR Storage Company Docket No. RP12-479-000 Dear Ms. Bose: Pursuant to Rule 507 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Rules of Practice And Procedure, 18 C.F.R. g 385.507 (2013), and the January 7, 2013 "Amended Order Establishing Procedural Schedule" in the above-referenced proceeding, BP Canada Energy Marketing Corporation, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Northern States Power Companies (Northern States Power-Minnesota and Northern States Power- Wisconsin), and Tenaska Gas Storage, LLC (jointly, "Joint Intervenor Group" ) hereby submit the "Prepared Answering Testimony of James F. Wilson" in this proceeding. Mr. Wilson's Prepared Answering Testimony and exhibits contain materials that have been designated "Protected-Not Available To Competitive Duty Personnel," pursuant to the Protective Order that issued in this proceeding on February 22, 2013. Accordingly, the Joint Intervenors are filing two versions of Mr. Wilson's testimony and exhibits a Public version, with the Protected materials redacted, and a Protected Version. Pursuant to the Protective Order, the Joint Intervenors request that the Protected Version be treated as non-public, and confidential. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this filing. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 20130403-0250 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 04/02/2013 EDWARDS & FLOOM, LLP s I I's 1 S 1 7 s 'I ALLXASDRIA, I'A s c sf 1 4 /s/ Robert I. White /s/Katherine B. Edwards Robert I. White Katherine B. Edwards Nancy A. White John Paul Floom Squire Sanders (US) LLP Erica L. Rancilio Suite 300 Edwards k Floom, LLP 1200 19'" Street, N.W. 1517 King Street Washington, DC 20036 Alexandria, VA 22314 202) 626-6285 (703) 549-0888 rwhite@ssd.corn kbekbelaw. corn jpf@kbelaw.corn James R. Denniston elr@kbelaw.corn Assistant General Counsel Xcel Energy Services Inc. Counsel for 414 Nicollet Mall, Fifth Floor BP Canada Energy Minneapolis., MN 55401 Marketing Corporation (612) 215-4656 James.R.Dennistonxcelenergy.corn Counsel for Northern States Power Company-Minnesota and Northern States Power Company-Wisconsin /s/James H. Holt /s/Doualas F. John Betts & Holt LLP Douglas F. John 1333 H Street, NW Matthew T. Rick Suite 1000 West JOHN k, HENGERER Washington, DC 20005 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. (202) 530-3380 Suite 600 jhhfa)bettsandholt.corn Washington, D.C. 20036-31116 (202) 429-8801 Counsel For dj ohn@jhenergy. corn Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Counsel for Tenaska Gas Storage, LLC 20130403-0250 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 04/02/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ...
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