Independent Trading and Transportation Company I, LLC submits request for approval to use the depreciation rates etc under DO12-4.
20120104-0205 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 01/05/2012 Oil Pi eline De reciatlon Rates Docket No. DO I.TsI December 30, 2011 I ITI Wcs The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose C . IT I Secretary ~f I Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Z? ~T -r ~ T 888 First Street, N. E. Washington, DC 20426 -T c ~ Re: Independent Trading and Transportation Company I, L.L.C. Request for Approval of Proposed Depreciation Rates Dear Ms. Bose, Pursuant to Part 347 of the Commission's regulations, Independent Trading and Transportation Company I, L.L.C. ("ITT")is requesting approval to use the attached depreciation rates so that depreciation of its pipeline assets is reflective of the projected remaining life of the ITT crude oil pipeline system, located in the Williston basin in southwestern North Dakota. ITT requests to use the same set of property and depreciation records for FERC Form No. 6 reporting purposes and for ratemaking purposes. ITT requests approval to use the proposed depreciation rates beginning January I, 1998, the approximate date the ITT crude oil pipeline system was placed into service. The proposed depreciation rates are based on independent reserve studies which projected a nine year remaining life of the crude oil pipeline system as of December 31, 2010. We respectfully request that the confidential version of ITT's "Information Supporting Proposed Oil Pipeline Depreciation Rates" be afforded privileged and confidential treatment, exempt &om all public disclosure, including the mandatory public disclosure requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, 4 U. S.C. $522. Certain information in and attached to ITT's Supporting Proposed Oil Pipeline Depreciation Rates contains confidential information subject to Section 15(13) of the Interstate Commerce Act. P.O. 8ox 3886 ~ Enid, OK 73702 20120104-0205 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 01/05/2012 Please return the duplicate transmittal letter in the self-addressed, stamped envelope, showing the date of receipt by the Commission. I hereby certify that I have on or before this date distributed, by First Class Mail, one copy of this transmittal letter to each shipper and subscriber. Should you have any questions, please contact Angie Grothe with ITT, P.O. Box 5103, Enid, Oklahoma 73702 at 580-616-2051. Respectfully submitted, Attachments cc: Joseph Athey, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission All Subscribers and Shippers 20120104-0205 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 01/05/2012 Independent Trading and Transportation Company I, L.L.C. Information supporting proposed oil pipeline depreciation rates TABLE OF CONTENTS Descrl tion CFR Section Pa eNo Summ of General Princi les 347. 1 e I Pi eline Overview 347.1 e 2 Pro osed D eciation Rates 347. 1 e 3 Avera e Remainin Life 347.1 e 4 ...
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