Unofficial FERC-Generated P D F of 2 0 0 4 0 1 0 8 - 0 3 5 2 Received by FERC OSEC 12124/2003 in D o c k e t # - CP04-49-000 Dom~,~io~ Tra.r.,,_sraissima, ~nc. 120 '.Frcdegar Street, Richmond, VA 23219 Mailing A~arcs,': , 1 S P() Box 26 ~~" .aDZ o- v tit, e o FFIc OF T: IE P,ichmond, VA 23261 0"~.."3 ~% It" *'a t ORIGINAL DecemUer Fi?if?.::~;:~~a . ~ .i.!:i;':2~:;i~~:y Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Room 1A, .East 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 Re" Dominion Transmission, Inc. Abbreviated Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Fink Capacity Maintenance Project Docket No. CP04- -000 Dear Secretary Salas: ~(~ Enclosed for filing pursuant to Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, as amended, and Part 157 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's rules and regulations thereunder are an original and seven copies of an Abbreviated Application for a Certificate ofPublic Convenience and. Necessity (Application) by Dominion Transmission, Inc. (DTI). The application requests authorization for DTI to construct, install, own, operate, and maintain certain facilities, as more fully described in the Application. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 388.11.2 and 388.113 of the Commission's regulations, this abbreviated application consists of three volumes" Volume I: Public Information, including the abbreviated application and exhibits except for those items designated as Non-Internet Public or Privileged Information. Volume II' Non-Internet Public Information, including certain maps and diagrams. Volume Ill' Privileged Information. DTI requests that the Commission issue a Preliminary Determination with respect to the non- environmental issues by April 1, 2004, and a final cel~ificate granting all authorizations requested herein by June 1, 2004. Respectfully submitted, DominionjFransnaission, Inc. Anne E. Bomar Managing Director, Transmission Rates and Regulation Enclosures ]nofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20040108-0352 Received by FERC OSEC 12/24/2003 in D o c k e t # : C P 0 4 - 4 9 - 0 0 0 P 0, ",: ../" . ' - :', L UNITED S T A ' ~ ~O~ AJ~II~.,A~ BEF~[tE FEDERALENERGYREGI J ATOH . Nm In Ihe Matter of i DocketN~. I cPo4-~-ooo DOMINION TRANSMISSION, INC. I ABBREVIATED APPLICATION OF DOMINION TRANSMISSION, INC. FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY (Fink Capacity Maintenance Project) Anae E. Bomar J. PatrickNevins, Esquire Managing Director, Transmission Hogan & Hanson, LLP Ratcs and Regulation Columbia Square Do minion Transmission, Inc. 555 13thStreet,N.W. 120 Tr~lcgar S t r ~ Washington, DC 20004-I 109 Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: (202) 637-6441 Telephone: (804) 819-2134 Facsimile: (202) 637-5910 Facsimile: (804) 819-2064 E-marl: j pnevins( E-mail: Anne E. Filed: ...
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