|Resource Report 6 - Geological Resources |
|To Verify Compliance with this Minimum FERC Filing Requirement: |See the |
| |Following |
| |Resource |
| |Report |
| |Section: |
|Describe, by milepost, mineral resources that are currently or |Section |
|potentially exploitable. |6.1.2 |
| |Section |
| |6.2.2 |
|Describe, by milepost, existing and potential geological hazards |Section |
|and areas of nonroutine geotechnical concern, such as high |6.1.3 |
|seismicity areas, active faults, and areas susceptible to soil |Section |
|liquefaction, planned, active and abandoned mines, karst terrain, |6.2.3 |
|and areas of potential ground failure, such as subsidence, | |
|slumping, and landsliding. Discuss the hazards posed to the | |
|facility from each one. | |
|Describe how the project would be located or designed to avoid or |Section |
|minimize adverse effects to the resources or risk to itself, | |
|including geotechnical investigations and monitoring that would be|Section |
|conducted before, during, and after construction. Discuss also | |
|the potential for blasting to affect structures, and the measures |Section |
|to be taken to remedy such effects. |6.3 |
| |Section |
| |6.4 |
|Specify methods to prevent project-induced contamination from |No Surface|
|surface mines or from mine tailings along the right-of-way and |Mines or |
|whether the project would hinder mine reclamation or expansion |Mine |
|efforts. |Tailings |
|If the application involves an LNG facility located in zones 2, 3,|No LNG |
|or 4 of the Uniform Building Codes Seismic Risk Map, or where |facility |
|there is potential for surface faulting or liquefaction, prepare a|is |
|report on earthquake hazards and engineering in conformance with |proposed |
|"Data Requirements for the Seismic Review of LNG Facilities." | |
|NBSIR 84-2833. This document may be obtained from the Commission | |
|staff. | |
|If the application is for underground storage facilities, (I) |Section |
|describe how the applicant would control and monitor the drilling |6.3.1 |
|activity of others within the field and buffer zone; (ii) describe|Section |
|how the applicant would monitor potential effects of the operation|6.3.2 |
|of adjacent storage or production facilities on the proposed |Section |
|facility, and vice versa; (iii) describe measures to be taken to |6.3.3 |
|locate and de
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