Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company submits FERC Form 2-AAnnual Report of Nonmajor Natural Gas Companies for the year ending 2011.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION NuStar Logistics, L.P. ) Docket No. IS12-471-000 RESPONSE OF NUSTAR LOGISTICS, L.P. TO PROTEST Pursuant to Rule 213 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission), 18 C.F.R. 385.213, and to 18 C.F.R. 343.3(b), NuStar Logistics, L.P. (NuStar) respectfully submits its Response to the Motion to Intervene and Protest of Valero Marketing and Supply Company, filed on June 29, 2012 in the above- captioned docket (Protest). NuStar requests that the Commission dismiss the Protest and deny the relief requested by Valero Marketing and Supply Company (Valero), for the reasons set forth in detail below. The tariff filing that is the subject of this docket consists of a correction tariff that NuStar filed to reduce a single rate slightly below the level originally requested in the broader May 29, 2012 filing that was docketed as Docket No. IS12-314-000, due to a pre-existing agreement. Valeros Protest raises essentially identical arguments to those which Valero raised in its protest filed on June 13, 2012 in Docket No. IS12-314-000, with a few additional points. In Docket No. IS12-314-000, on June 18, 2012 NuStar filed its Response of NuStar Logistics, L.P. to Protest, which is attached as Appendix A hereto (June 18 NuStar Response). On June 30, 2012, the Commission issued its Order Accepting and Suspending Tariff Sections Subject to Hearing and Settlement Procedures, NuStar Logistics, L.P., 139 FERC 61,278 (2012), in which the Commission did not agree with NuStars arguments and suspended and investigated the index filing made on May 29, 2012 in Docket No. IS12-314-000, et al. NuStar continues to believe that Valeros challenge in Docket No. IS12-314-000 was without merit under Commission precedent, and incorporates by reference in this proceeding the legal and factual arguments made in its June 18 Nustar Response. In addition, NuStar notes that the rate reduction being implemented in this docket, applicable to the rate in F.E.R.C. No. 75.4.0, from Clawson Station, Texas to McKee Station, Texas, was reduced in compliance with an agreement between NuStar and Valero, and as to which Valero is contractually barred from filing a protest. NuStar submits that Valeros protest in this proceeding should be dismissed, and the tariff accepted without condition. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Chris Rulon Counsel NuStar Energy L.P. 2330 North Loop 1604 West San Antonio, TX 78248 (210) 918-2048 (direct) (210) 918-7048 (fax) Chris.Rulon@nustarenergy.com ...

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