Arizona Natural Gas Storage LLC submits Draft Resource Reports 4 and 5 under PF10-3.

Pre-filing Preliminary Draft Resource Report 5 Socioeconomics Arizona Natural Gas Storage LLC Arizona Natural Gas Storage Project Pinal County, Arizona FERC Docket No. PF10-3-000 May 2011 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ANGS Arizona Natural Gas Storage LLC ASLD Arizona State Land Department Bcf Billion Cubic Feet CFR Code of Federal Regulations DOT Department of Transportation EPNG El Paso Natural Gas Company FERC United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Dual Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline between the Randolph Header Interconnect and the Storage Site Lateral natural gas pipelines extending from the vicinity of the Lateral Lines Randolph Interconnect to existing and proposed gas-fired electric facilities NGA Natural Gas Act of 1938, as amended PCPI Per Capita Personal Income Picacho Salt Picacho Basin Salt Structure Structure Project Arizona Natural Gas Storage Project Project Facilities Proposed Project Facilities Randolph Point of Header interconnection with existing interstate gas Interconnect transmission pipeline facilities near Randolph, Arizona ROW Right-of-way Storage Site 1,050 acre gas cavern and gas storage facilities site Sundance Lateral 12-inch Lateral natural gas pipeline extending between the Line Randolph Interconnect and the Sundance Power Plant 16-inch Lateral natural gas pipeline extending between the TransCanada Randolph Interconnect and the TransCanada Coolidge Power Lateral Line Plant Transwestern Transwestern Pipeline Company U.S. United States Draft Resource Report 5 Socioeconomics Arizona Natural Gas Storage LLC MINIMUM FILING REQUIREMENTS FOR RESOURCE REPORT 5 Minimum Requirements to Avoid Rejection Section Number 1. For major aboveground facilities and major pipeline projects that require an EIS, describe existing socioeconomic conditions within the project 5.1 area ( 380.12 (g)(1)) 2. For major aboveground facilities, quantify impact on: employment, 5.2.1 housing, 5.2.2 local government services, 5.2.4 local tax revenues, 5.2.6 transportation, 5.2.7 and other relevant factors in the project area ( 380.12 (g)(2-6)) Additional Information Often Missing and Resulting in Data Requests Evaluate the impact of any substantial immigration of people on governmental facilities and services and describe plans to reduce the impact on local 5.2.4 infrastructure. Describe on-site manpower requirements, including the number of construction personnel who currently reside within the impact area, would 5.2.1 and 5.2.5 commute daily to the site from outside the impact area or would relocate temporarily within the impact area. Estimate total worker payroll and material purchases during construction and 5.2.5 operation. Determine whether existing housing within the impact area is sufficient to 5.2.2 meet the needs of the additional population. Describe the number and types of residences and businesses that would be displaced by the project, procedures to be used to acquire these properties, 5.2.3 and types and amounts ...

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